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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-03-31
Re: General help with hours of work, China

ESL man says: a properly qualified teacher, a degree (in no matter what), a PG DE and a few years classroom experience, not only commands respect from colleagues and students alike but also, I venture to say, makes a better teacher and not just an entertainer with poor grammar and bad drinking habits.
Since when do FT's let their fellow FT's see their paper qualifications or tell them the truth,let alone let their students see such formal documents,most of whom don't have the necessary English level to comprehend what's written on them?And such paper qualifications and teaching experience don't necessarily make a teacher a good one!And who can say how good a teacher is: you,who post under 'ESL man' while teaching EFL in China.Don't make me laugh!By the way,I hope you're not insinuating that the well-respected Silverboy has poor grammar and bad drinking habits. Seems to me your mention of the latter shortcoming points to you being a bit of a killjoy!

#2 Parent ESLman - 2009-03-30
Re: General help with hours of work, China

I have always stated here that I have a degree that is unrelated to teaching, and most FT"s in China and the rest of Asia are in a similar position to myself.

I am not at all convinced that your statement (above) has any value unless you have compiled sufficient data to justify the claim. Generalizations such as yours should not be made so hastily.

Just out of interest, could you state what the unrelated to teaching 'degree' that you hold is?
I was interested to see your request for employment posted on the Resumes board which mentions the Fashion and Design 'Diploma' but no mention of the 'degree' you now claim. One would assume that that piece of information would be of great interest to a prospective employer as well as being one of the prerequisites for a proper post in a public university, though it is known of course, that there are ways and means around this in some provinces and poor establishments in cities such as Wuhan.

A properly qualified teacher, a degree (in no matter what), a PG DE and a few years classroom experience, not only commands respect from colleagues and students alike but also, I venture to say, makes a better teacher and not just an entertainer with poor grammar and bad drinking habits.

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