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#1 Parent AMonk - 2009-04-11
Re: teaching 5 year olds to read english

Hi Joseph

Strictly anecdotal and observational, but teaching a second language to a small child should not end up hindering him/her in the learning of their first language. At least in the long run. Though there may be some occasional cross-over of language(s).

Many Jewish children attend classes after their "normal" School day, to learn Hebrew. They seem to cope OK, and have done for centuries.

A child whose (foreign-born) parents speak one language at home, will often find that their child speaks another when s/he is out playing with friends in the neighbourhood. One sister-in-law became a fluent bi-lingual when she was younger, although she did tend to switch languages and substitute words from one or other of her two tongues when she couldn't remember it in the one she was speaking.

It is easier for a young(er) child to acquire new languages, than for an older one or an adult.

Keep going with your lessons. As Is. Good luck.


joseph - 2009-04-09
teaching 5 year olds to read english

I have been teaching my 5 year olds to speak, listen, as well as read and write in English. A mother came to me concerned that I no longer teach the children to read and write English, as this will cause confusion with children learning to read and write their native language. Is there any research on this, in either direction? I do not want to drop this from my program because 1/100 parents disagrees, however if it is causing difficulty, and that one parent is right, then I want to axe reading/writing until later.

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