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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-04-09
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion

'joker' asks 'Silverboy':Oh, bye the way, why were you unable to secure a position for the begining of this (spring) term?
I'm sure the reason was not that his services as an FT were not in demand in China after Spring Festival.Whatever it was,one thing's for sure - it's not your business!
Incidentally,your most recent post,among others of yours,gives me the impression that he and you are as different as chalk and cheese in mindset.That said,nothing to get upset about imho.After all,if we all had similar points of view on many things,this ole world would be such a boring place to live in,wouldn't it?

#2 Parent joker - 2009-04-09
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion

My dear Goldenboy or is it silvergirl ( amongst many others ),I see you haven't denied that you are exactly the type of person you seem to complain so much about.
Instead you answer with your usual paranoid ranting.

I am joker always have been, always will be, never been anyone else, got no need to be.

Remember this post of yours?

'OK then, how about some other adjectives to describe the EFL industry in China. Incompetant, lazy, dishonest, self-serving, corrupt, nepotism, greedy, stupid, useless, nihillistic, irratating, naive, racist, devious, sly, hopeless, hillarious, a joke, pathetic, ridiculous, second rate, mediocre. Is that good enough for you?........'


I guess the grub, the broads, the booze and the dancing outweigh all of these factors for some.

Or how about this one.....

' I am Australian, and I have a very low opinion of Australian women. They have totally unrealistic expectations of men, most of them are lazy, selfish, poorly skilled eg: can't cook, don't know how to make clothes, pretty hopeless in the bedroom as well. Apart from that they are very unattractive physically, smoke to much, drink to much and have tattoos.......'


Would this description apply to your Mother or other Australian female relatives you may have? and have you told them how you feel about them?

And of course another classic one from your post that started this little tiff......

'I would not want to marry an Australian born Chinese woman ( they think like white Australian women )....'


Would you consider the above comment to be a little racist in tone? (Note the phrase 'WHITE Australian women' not just Australian women) and haven't you complained about the racism here in China?(see above). Pot and kettle again I think.
You do seem to generalise rather a lot, don't you?

It seems to me that you only like China for the grub,( or should I say tucker so you understand?), Chinese women ( but not if they were born in Aus), Chinese booze (But only if it's cold) and dancing barefoot in Wuhan but then complain...

'Many single young men are here just looking to have a good time.......'


Oh, bye the way, why were you unable to secure a position for the begining of this (spring) term?

I'm looking forward to the rant you will undoubtedly post in reply to this.

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