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#1 Parent joker - 2009-04-10
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion

Yet ANOTHER first time poster appearing to support the silverboy! Where have they all sprung from?
I wonder who they all are.... again?
It's just TOO obvious for words of explanation!

#2 Parent joker - 2009-04-09
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion

'......Many single young men are here just looking to have a good time,......' A quote from siverboy. Pot and kettle spring to mind? Or do you think these 'young men' are following other pusuits than, grub, broads, beer etc.etc.


#3 Parent the relativist - 2009-04-09
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion

Wow, someone who likes teaching, Chinese food, Chinese women, beer and dancing.

What a terrible person..............ha, ha, he, he!

#4 Parent Bronze Cat - 2009-04-09
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion

Strange that you believe that only Silverboy does not like you. If you have followed the illustrious and remarkable career of the Silverboy poster you would realize that he prefers direct confrontation in comparison to some other posters who like to hide out in the tall reeds.

Silverboy a coward? Definitely not, not his style.

#5 Parent joker - 2009-04-08
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion

Dear ' Goldengirl' I tried to post several days ago but my post hasn't appeared, very strange. It listed the reasons silverboy gave as to why he wants to return to China. i.e.
His loooooove of teaching........lol.
The grub.
The broads.
The booze.
His dislike of Australian or Australian born Chinese girls.
His love of dancing barefoot in t shirt and jeans.
His inability to avoid inane Politicians, journalists and breakfast TV in his own country.

All of these reasons HE gave quite freely himself. If you re-read the post you can confirm this for yourself.
Hardly a glowing self- reccomendation, wouldn't you agree?

As for my reasons to be here? Simple. I came to help Chinese students improve their English skills and therefor hopefully their future lives. Does that make me a bad person?

As for your accusation that I am a recruiter, the owner of a second rate school 'tarnished' by silverboy or businessman? It's as easy to post accusations like those as it is to post useing multiple names, isnt it 'Goldengirl'? ( or should that be silverboy)?
Nice try!

#6 Parent joker - 2009-04-09
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion

Methinks you doth protest too much. Perhaps it's the lack of satisfaction in your life.

#7 Parent joker - 2009-04-09
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion

And methinks you doth protest too much for ANOTHER first time poster ! Stranger and stranger.
Multiple ID's springs to mind here on this thread. I wonder who it could be?

#8 Parent Goldengirl - 2009-04-08
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion

Yes Joker, answer the question. Seems there is one rule for yourself and another rule for other posters here. You wouldn't happen to be a recruiter or school owner would you? Maybe Silverboy has tarnished the reputation of your second rate school or business?

SB is usually spot on with what he says, when it comes to credibility I know whom I would rather believe. I can tell you have ulterior motives ESL man, you do not represent the best interests of FT's in China.

More power to posters like Silverboy and Turnoi, if there were 100 more like them EFL would be much better off.

Something for you to ponder "ESL man".

#9 Parent No Satisfaction (I can't get) - 2009-04-07
Re: Institutional Sex Offenses - Teachers Discussion

Joker, how about your reply? Another John Pennycook, methinks!

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