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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-04-11
Re: Probationary Periods For FT's in China

I've signed about a dozen teaching contracts in China,only one of which mentioned a probationary period,of 4 weeks of teaching,following which I could have been fired if < 70% of my students liked my classes.I didn't think that was fair,but I signed it as the only other option I had at that time was to be out of work.That clause re the probationary period could have been misused by my employer to get rid of me,but it wasn't.

The official contract issued by the State Bureau for Foreign Experts makes no mention of probationary periods,but there is the clause that 'Wily' mentioned re re-assessment of an FT's teaching in the event of it having been deemed unsatisfactory due to shortcomings which the FT in question has had the chance to remedy after they have been pointed out to him(or her).This is in effect probation applied throughout the duration of the contract.So I don't see the need for an explicit probationary period in addition,short-term or otherwise.

One recruiter tried to get me to sign a contract that had 12 weeks as a probationary period,during which my salary would have been cut by 500 Yuan each month.You don't have to be very imaginative to figure out where I told him to stick his contract!Some wily Chinese employers have obviously picked up on the introduction of probationary periods into contracts as a good way of paying their FT's less.This is certainly not the official government line!As far as I'm concerned,there's no need at all to introduce probationary periods into teaching contracts in China.I'm sure many would agree with me.

By the way,what Silverboy said about short-term residence permits being issued to FT's on 10 month contracts is also worth mentioning here,another erosion and sign of mistrust re FT's in China.I know for a fact that the maximum period for a residence permit for an 'alien employee' is one year,but subject to extension.And I'd never heard of the issuing of 1/2 year RP's to FT's on 10-month contracts until I read that in one of Silverboy's posts.Not a good thing either!

#2 Parent doesitmatter - 2009-04-11
Re: Probationary Periods For FT's in China

I find it difficult to agree with your assessment of probationary periods as being unnecessary. In fact, I wish that the probationary period would be used to its full effectiveness in terms of weeding out inappropriate teachers. What is comical about probationary periods, if not downright pathetic, is that they are not used in a manner that would show administrators as student advocates. Essentially, it comes down to more a manner of whether or not the teacher has properly performed the ritual of kissing the proffered derriere, or, in other cases where they have conducted themselves in a manner that isn't seen as rocking the boat.

Personally, I prefer the don't rock the boat method - up to a point anyway. Ultimately, I find it difficult to zip the lip and when I find myself in that situation I know that my relationship with management will soon deteriorate to the point where I will find it difficult to continue. Thankfully, these are not long term contracts and there's always another job down the road.

Yes, I have observed the aforementioned derriere ritual and find it exceedingly difficult to control the gag reflex. Actually, I've given it a lot of thought. There's much to be learned by watching the behavior of one's colleagues. It seems as though the teachers who are the least qualified, as I know you agree, seem to be put in positions that will enable them to lord it over their fellow teachers, even those who are far more qualified and committed to excellence than themselves. Well, other than excellence at posterior positioning, that is. Clearly there are those who think nothing of the fact that their knees are becoming bruised by such an exercise, as long as there is a certain degree of ascension associated with it.

So, bring on the probationary period; I could really get behind it if it were properly applied - hmm, "behind it" - maybe not such a good choice of words.

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