Return to Index › Concerns with Aston (Jinan) - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent J - 2009-04-11
Re: Concerns with Aston (Jinan) - Teachers Discussion

Just read your post asking about Jinan Aston..I'm currently teaching here and personally I can tell it's so good compared to other locations and even other public schools..It is safe and you will have a lot of fun..The managers are approachable,so for the first timer here in CHina , this is a good place to choose..The environment is cool and cozy..Foreign teachers live in the same building,so you won't feel lonely...There are more or less 40 teachers working at Jinan Aston from different countries..So, I think it' s not bad to have a try!!

#2 Parent laura - 2009-04-08
Re: Concerns with Aston (Jinan) - Teachers Discussion

Did you end up going with Aston? If so how did things turn out? My fiance and I are looking into signing a contract with them soon. I would love to hear what you think about everything.

#3 Parent philly freedom - 2007-08-20
The Aston "system," as I perceive it - Teachers Discussion

I usually only make posts regardoing schools/orgnaizations with which I have direct experience (and there are PLENTY of those). First, let me say that I have never worked for Aston, but as someone who visits this ESL site and others, Aston has been the focus of numerous discussion threads here, and elesewhere.

I seem to remember when I visited Aston's
"official" website some time back that they have a kind of pyramid system. In other words, teachers who wish to "move up" in the organzation can become manager/recruiters. If this system is still in play, therein lies much of the problem. If recruiting becomes the central focus and financial incentive of those once hired as teachers, then the entire operation is geared toward luring others into situations the teacher once had to endure themselves -- a kind of "pay your dues" scheme. The once-teacher, now-recruiter/manager will put their energy toward convincing others that they need only to teach in unfair conditions (discovered later by teacher, of course) for a brief period (one year or less, perhaps) and then they too, can move into "management" and spend their energy (and earn their income) convincing others to sign up.

Not only does Aston make money from the teacher "training," but perhaps they invest even more in manager "training" -- teaching fresh recruiters various ways to respond to probing questions and redirect possible negative mindsets among newbies.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am... If so, this Aston way of doing business is loathsome.

Folks, there's a 1.3 billion and one ways to obtain a teaching job in China (most of which are also not worth having), but you needn't enlist with such gargantuan operations (ESL gristmills) as Aston.

Look elsewhere.

#4 Parent Randy - 2007-08-20
It Is Terrible - Teachers Discussion

I took the course in Xian that you are talking about here in this post. It was a terrible course taught by a sour person who has been working there for this company way, way too long! The whole mood of the school and company is to look for ways to steal from you, no one Chinese or foreign can tell you the truth of what is going on here. All they want you to do is to be a clown in the class and play games to make the students happy and trick them into thinking that this is learning. There are better places to teach than Aston.

#5 Parent Raoul Duke - 2007-08-13
Better Than Average - Teachers Discussion *Picture*

You're right...one week of teacher training is ludicrous.

But considering that an awful lot of teachers in China face their first day of class with ZERO weeks of training, it might be at least a step in the right direction....

For me the question remains whether it's voluntary or not, and who pays the costs of it. No teacher should ever be required to pay anything, including transport and lodging if they're being hauled to another city, for training that will primarily benefit the employer who's requiring and/or providing the training.

Raoul's China Saloon

#6 Parent Ele - 2007-08-12
Aston: 1 week training course? - Teachers Discussion

1 week training course and then off you go to teach? Run as fast as you can. You have to be either a genius or a madman to be able to learn the ropes of teaching in a week. A decent training course takes minimum 4 weeks.

#7 Parent Raoul Duke - 2007-07-21
Nooooooooooooooooooo! *Link* *Picture*

I haven't been posting on here lately for various reasons, but someone pointed me to this ad and it's definitely time to un-retire for at least a moment.

My own experience with this company (not the Jinan outlet) was NOT good. It is my opinion that I was treated with brutal unfairness and outright ripped off by alleged people within the very top management of this organization.

But that's not what I'm here to talk about right now. It's this: "Aston requires us to go to a different city (forgot the name) for a 1 week training course at our own cost."

It doesn't matter who the school is. For Pete's sake, PLEASE don't get suckered into something like this. NEVER, EVER PAY FOR REQUIRED TRAINING FROM AN ENGLISH SCHOOL. If they want to train you, that's commendable. If they want to offer you the chance to take optional extra training at your own expense, then it's your karma, bombadier. But don't YOU pay them to MAKE you take THEIR training for the benefit of THEIR classes!!!
Believe me when I tell you that companies like this already make plenty of profit from your labor. They don't need to do...THIS to you too. This latest scam seems to be just another burst of greed and stupidity from a company that was never short of these things in the first place.

Don't be a chump. Please.
Raoul's China Saloon

Ming - 2007-07-18
Concerns with Aston (Jinan) - Teachers Discussion

Hello everyone, my name is Ming. My friend Martin and I are going to be finalizing our contract with Michael Wiser sometime this/next week. We will be signing a full year contract at 6200 RMB/month. The location will be Jinan. My friend and I had many initial concerns such as living conditions, contract terms and whether the pay is enough for living costs and some nightlife fun. After reading the posts on this forum about the Aston chain, we're starting to get cold feet about our decision. Is this warranted or not? we have heard some good things about the Jinan school.

Both of us are fresh out of university with different degrees so we both needed to take a TEFL training course. Aston reqires us to goto a different city (forgot the name) for a 1 week training course at our own cost. Has anyone else experienced this?

Any other advice from teacher who have experienced what we're about to go through is greatly appreciated.

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