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#1 Parent KS - 2009-04-13
Re: Confusion about contract from school

Lets also remember that you are in the ESL business in Asia where contracts mean nothing to most employers and the terms of your contract change daily depending on the whim of your employers. Hopefully you are dealing with a fairly honest group there.

#2 Parent junior - 2009-04-13
Re: Confusion about contract from school

1)How am I supposed to sign a .doc file

Print it, sign it, keep a copy for yourself and fax it.

JamesSwanson - 2009-04-13
Confusion about contract from school

I'm having some confusion regarding negotiations I am going through with a private school in China. The school sent me a sample contract in .doc format and told me to email back if I had any questions. So I wanted a few things added to the contract, and the school said that's fine, just edit the .doc file then sign it and send it to us. So I edited it, sent it back, and they said the changes I made were fine, and I should sign the contract and send it back to them and they would send me the paperwork for the Z-visa. Now I understand that the Chinese school would want some official form of commitment before sending me the Z-visa stuff, but there are a few things that are confusing me about this:
1)How am I supposed to sign a .doc file
2)Because a .doc file is not a legal document I am not entirely sure why I should sign it
3)I am concerned about identity theft from sending my signature over the internet
Am I missing something? Is it possible that there is a translation error, or is this obviously someone trying to scam me in some way?

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