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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-04-18
Re: teaching 5 year olds to read english

I would suggest that it is time for you to take a long hard look at why you are here in the first place. Maybe time for a career change.

But then again,maybe not - it's obvious from Silverboy's posts that he relishes his role here as an experienced and sought-after foreign teacher who is not overworked nor underpaid for his efforts in the classroom.More importantly,as can also be gleaned from his many posts on this board,he is a literate native speaker of English who loves Chinese food,Chinese beer,and,last but not least,Chinese women!I'm sure a 'Return to Oz' would not be a sensible option for him,as well as of course in addition being China's loss!

#2 Parent Lianhuanhua - 2009-04-17
Re: teaching 5 year olds to read english

'Being a TA, she obviously had a limited intellect, so I just told her to shut her mouth. Then she said " Chinese parents expect their kids to be given homework".'

'Says a lot about Chinese parents don't you think?'

From my point of view, your statement goes more to the arrogance and ignorance of the FT than the parents or TA's of Chinese students. Some on this forum consider yourself to be of 'limited intellect', so I should advise you to not cast aspersions upon others, especially, locals. Furthermore, I would suggest that it is time for you to take a long hard look at why you are here in the first place. Maybe time for a career change.

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