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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-04-20
Re: Forged documents

I think you shouldn't employ him (or her) unless you have no choice. As for the illegality of whst said jobseeker has tried to perpetriate,don't care about it. Other louwai have done worse here,me included,and I'll NEVER HAVE ANY REGRETS ABOUT HaVING DONE THAT! LET IT BE!You're not a Chinese!!!

#2 Parent Turino(the 1 & only) - 2009-04-20
Re: Forged documents

Golly gosh,this is bizarre!Guess what,someone has tried to discredit me by pretending to be me!That OP is an imposter who bears a grudge against me.Don't believe his (or her) words.None of my documents is forged.I've never needed to go down that route to get job offers in China!Imposter,as of now,use any other username except mine!

#3 Parent Turino - 2009-04-20
Re: Forged documents

When you say working there,do you mean working HERE?I'm one of them,Come (as opposed to go) and get me?

#4 Parent Wendy - 2009-04-20
Forged documents

I think that this person will not send you his resume if he was reluctant to send you his passport. There is not much that you can do as if you try to report him what are you going to report him for and who will you report him to? Chances are if he is teaching in China his school is paying someone off so that he has a visa. So he would be protected if this was the case. Yes he might be working illegally without a proper visa but he will be finished his contract in a couple of months and be off elsewheres. There are so many teachers there working without proper qualifications that you would not be able to do much about it. I would let it go and do nothing with his application to your job.

Andrew - 2009-04-20
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