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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-04-23
The Bickering Thread

You don't mince your words,do you!But neither does Turnoi.Maybe we should rename this thread "The Bickering Thread".It can then be a suitable vehicle for those posters who get kicks by insulting one another in public!I'd say neither you nor Turnoi is completely right in what you say.Reading your posts gives me an insight as to how badly things can get out of hand here in China when certain louwai get to know one another's diverse opinions on anything and everything.So,I'm content to be a loner and go my own way here while I welcome my FT colleagues doing so too.As for co-operating with them re discussing teaching methods etc,I'm not at all interested in doing so.That's because I know the net outcome will be animosity,perhaps even culminating in physical violence.I didn't come to China to meet Western louwai or scrap with them in front of the Chinese!

#2 Parent ESLman - 2009-04-23
Re: Help forum, china bashing forum, or silverboy forum

Your credibility on this board is zero as far as I can see, and you would be wise in refraining from trying to sell us your CEO/DPS crap in favour of disreputable businesses and crappy training centres and pretend schools in China in the future.

You will find not a single word of support for training centres or pretend schools in any of my posts as I personally have no experience of them and therefore refrain from comment.

However, what I and plainly some others do find distasteful is the style in which you and certain others consistently decry the opinions of posters with an aggressive, if not insulting, attack on their integrity and their right to give an opinion which may be contrary to your own.

You were once described by a previous poster as 'a nasty piece of work masquerading as an educated and knowledgeable person'. The continuing rhetoric you propound, loaded with bile and venom, bears out this description at present. Your credibility may be enhanced by toning down the attacks on others and sticking to facts not hearsay.

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