Return to Index › Re: To work for Africans in China is rewarding
#1 Parent Turino - 2009-04-25
Re: For Africans to Work in China is Rewarding

After posting in favor of Africans, you've chosen to make us all aware of your contempt for ordinary Americans on account of their scanty general knowledge.

Nathan,it's time for English class.Bear with me,please!

Scanty means not enough for a particular purpose.For example,the fashion models wore scanty clothes,their partial nudity exciting the red-blooded males in the audience.The purpose of clothes here is to cover the body.
By contrast,scant just means not enough,no more,no less.
By using scanty instead of scant you have implied that the amount of general knowledge a person has serves a purpose.I'd agree with your chosen usage,and in my eyes the purpose is to prevent a person being looked down upon and considered a numbskull by others!
I reckon someone with a biblical forename has shot himself in the foot......LOL!

#2 Parent Doctor Dolittle - 2009-04-24
Cheeseburgers and Hamburgers

Nathan, do you know the difference between a hamburger and a cheeseburger?
Do you really think you could eat both of them just with different things put on each of them?
No, then you are wrong.

A hamburger is not a Hamburger but a person who lives in Hamburg, Germany.
And if you asked me where "Germany" is I would tell you it is in the woods behind your home in the US.

Is this now pure stupidity or "scanty knowledge"?

The answer is: It is both.

Take a good look around you how the rest of the world looks at Americans - unfairly or well-founded. Then, you would know a bit more.

#3 Parent Turino - 2009-04-24
Re: For Africans to Work in China is Rewarding

You'll note I've altered the heading of this thread to avoid ambiguity.The original heading "to work for Africans in China is rewarding" means if you work for African employers in China it is rewarding,obviously not what is meant.
That said,I reckon that you,Nathan,are American.That's why you're unhappy with the post you've replied to in this thread,ie that of Turnoi.
I must say that my limited experience of conversing with ordinary Americans confirms Turnoi's point of view on this matter.But of course I realise there are always exceptions.That's why generalisations are oftentimes controversial and divisive.Having said that,I don't agree with you that Turnoi has a hidden agenda against Americans.But that is a matter of opinion,and you are entitled to your own.

#4 Parent Nathan - 2009-04-24
Re: To work for Africans in China is rewarding

After posting in favor of Africans, you've chosen to make us all aware of your contempt for ordinary Americans on account of their scanty general knowledge. Maybe your visa application for the States was rejected one time or another, causing you to vent your anger unfairly on Americans by finding fault with them as a race at every opportunity.

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