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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-05-15
Re: What does ESL teacher mean?

The Republic of China has always had close ties with Eastern Europe.What's more,all Chinese middle school pupils study politics.They know a great deal about Marx and Lenin.Maybe Eastern Europeans are given special treatment here by school directors for historical reasons.
As for your employer continuing to employ you because you're a good teacher,don't make me laugh!Since when does the world work like that?It just needs one of your jealous Chinese colleagues to backstab you,and you'll be out the door.
Forget about that place.China has so many schools that need foreign teachers like you.Move on and prosper!

earh - 2009-05-15
What does ESL teacher mean?

Hi everybody... I have been here in China for almost 9 months as ESL teacher in one of the universities in the south part of China. WHAT DOES ESL TEACHER MEAN?
There are only around 12 foreign t teachers from USA, Philippines, UK, EU - Poland, Australia and New Zealand. I felt very sad when I found that our university wont renew because the university changed the qualifications of ESL teachers - this is to provide better education to all students. One of the qualifications is being NATIVE SPEAKER. I understand why our school wont renew me... They wont renew because I am not native speaker. But why the university wants to renew a teacher from Poland because...? - he looks like native speaker.. WHAT THE HECK.. I dont have any thing against Polish..He is not native speaker. I heard many negative things about this teacher. His accent is very strong. Students dont like him because they could not understand the way he speak cause of his accent. Anyway... I am very happy, my students who were his students before told me I AM BETTER than him.. (This is not bragging).My physical appearance is like ASIAN because of my ancestors. I am asking everybody to answer my simple question, no matter your nationality is: Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, Filipino, Brazilian, Mexican, American, European and etc. WHAT DOES ESL TEACHER MEAN?

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