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#1 Parent Jayvin - 2009-06-10
Re: Tianshou / Jilin Foreign Exchange Service Centre

@ Native Teacher: It wouldn't be libel here in the US, -and that was one point in my post, although implied, not explicitly stated - that I was writing on something about which I didn't have firsthand knowledge (i.e., knew nothing about , really). My interest was in protecting the teacher, not a dishonest school. In addition, I did ask for specifics, which you provided -thanks! So now that you have all of this documentation, what will you do with it? You have to be anonymous in that you told Turino is was not his business how you know or who you are - that's understandable, yet...

@ Faith: While Silverboy and Turnoi certainly have their strong opinions, one can hardly call their responses a kangaroo court of sorts, especially after reading this whole thread.
I have spent enough time in the Eastern Europe to understand how much of an industry TEFL has become, and how things can go wrong for a teacher. I just didn't realize how out of hand things seem to be in some China schools, maybe because you tend to hear more bad things than good things in circumstances like this.

A FT might find conditions in some schools and towns not to their personal liking, and could have a personally bad experience. They may complain about it, and perhaps justifiably so. Such things are not the same as confiscating visas and going on the lam. Even if an otherwise "good school" did something as dreadful as what I have read here to just one teacher just one time, that would be reason enough in my book to avoid them and encourage others to do the same.

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