Return to Index › Private training centers using CALL
#1 Parent Turino - 2009-06-11
Re: Private training centers using CALL

Earthling: I don't agree that all Private English Learning Centers are terrible.
Turino: Neither do I,but if you happen to choose a bad one,you'll regret it.Given the high number of 'PELCS' in China,it stands to reason that there will be some that are not terrible.You needn't have been in China for two decades before coming to that conclusion.That said,lumping me together with Silverboy and Turnoi as a single entity against every 'PELC' in China is what you have strangely decided to do.

earthling - 2009-06-11
Private training centers using CALL

It seems that the anti-private training center gang on this forum have a limited scope. I lived and worked in China as a teacher for 20 years and I don't agree that all Private English Learning Centers are terrible. A case in point is King's International English who combine the Ellis Program with classes with Foreign Teachers to provide quality English training known as CALL (computer assisted languae learning) This method works!! This is witnessed by the growth of this type of language learning. I never see anything mentioned on this forum about CALL. I'm just wondering if the "big three", i.e. Silverboy, Tourino, Tornoi who try to dominate this forum have any experience with this type of language training. Even if they don't, I'm sure they will chime in with more of their inane chatter.

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