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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-06-12
Re: Private training centers using CALL

Really, people, this trio, Silverboy, Turnoi and Turino, are the worst kind of Foreign Teacher to infest this country. Arrogant, always right, knowing better than anyone else how to run a School.

If someone like you, Ginger Biscuit, is saying that then I know that I am doing the right thing.

I've had to do like this in order to reply to your post above.That must have been a reply to a post by gingermeggs that has 'disappeared' somehow.Once again,gingermeggs is lumping posters together.Said poster is obviously very displeased indeed by the posts of 'this trio',so much so that he (or she) feels it necessary to denigrate them.Of course,there are not many posters like gingermeggs compared to the number of readers.So,what said poster and a couple of other rude ones say about Silverboy,you and me carries little weight.The fact that their posts have become rather rude recently lets everyone know they've lost the plot!Mud slinging like that reminds me of some dirty political campaigns.Sad,really,and only fit for the likes of some of the UK tabloid newspapers that have been rightly labelled the gutterpress.Personally,I'm becoming rather bored with it all.What's indeed apparent is that the berators offer no helpful advice re specific problems their fellow FT's have encountered.Instead,they sidestep such requests from posters in the mire to concentrate on personal attacks.They have shown us they have a lack of humanity.

#2 Parent Turino - 2009-06-12
Re: Private training centers using CALL

DitherPidderPadder,Turino is an anagram of Turnoi,not a derivation as you had previously posted.The reason I changed my previous username,Foxy,to that of Turino,was that Turnoi was the one who persuaded me to go on posting on the board in spite of the rudeness of certain posters.In order to honour him for his sound advice,I chose to reappear on the board,after having promised to desert it,under the new username of Turino.
As for your personal opinions re me,I care not.It is said that you can't please everyone.That said,you must like keying in an awful lot to have chosen such a long pseudonym.I reckon you'll not be posting too often with a username like that!

#3 Parent doesitmatter - 2009-06-12
Re: Private training centers using CALL

As a matter of fact, what you state is a "certain truth" is not that at all. By reading Turnoi's posts and those of Turino's you can find that their style is quite different. Generally, you can find in Turnoi's posts (except those written by his ghost writer) mistakes that are common to those whose first L1 is not English - such as his improper use of the past perfect and other rather insignificant errors that don't alter his meaning, or at least don't prevent a discerning reader from understanding the meaning. Turino's posts, on the other hand, are indicative of a fairly good writer who, albeit, is a bit lazy when it comes to the proper use of punctuation and the like but still makes it quite clear that English is his first language. In addition, Turino, having no reason to lie about it, has made it clear that he has altered the spelling of Turnoi's name as a sign of respect. Can't fault him for that either.

Believe me, I don't always agree with Turnoi, nor do I always appreciate the way Turino so quickly aligns himself with Turnoi and Silverboy. However, it may be better to stick with the issues and not try to make mountains out of mole hills.

#4 Parent DitherPidderPadder - 2009-06-12
Re: Private training centers using CALL

Turino, Turnoi, you simply moved around some of the letters. Please, be original at least in your name, and you have got the wrong person, we don't know each other, I am a long time lurker here. I've read many of your posts, and you don't seem to know of what you speak at all. You simply get attention ebcause of your name, and many people mistaking you for Turnoi. truth must hurt, because that's the truth for certain.

#5 Parent Turino - 2009-06-11
Re: Private training centers using CALL

As for Turino, he doesn't seem to know much, but simply hang on the coattails of the other two, and a derivation of the name Turnoi.

please click on the link below:


After comparing my post with the one you've posted later,you'll see that their content is quite similar in nature.It seems that on this issue we agree at least broadly.As you claim I seem not to know much,you are perhaps surprised by broad agreement re said topic.
Obviously,you hadn't read my post before posting yours,or else you wouldn't have repeated more or less what I had posted.So I couldn't have hung on your coattails in this case.It wouldn't surprise me if some posters think you have been hanging on mine!Naturally,the other readers will decide whether we know as much (or indeed as little) as each other re said topic.

By the way,Turino is not a derivation of Turnoi!

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