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#1 Parent Note - 2011-11-25
Re: Threats to be blacklisted in China

Network ESL is not allowed to post on the eslteachersboard.com

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-11-25
Re: Threats to be blacklisted in China

I have dealt with Chris Johnson before including calling him over the cell phone back in 2009 about why I had sent all of the necessary documents and saw the countless job postings that he made on eslteachersboard.com as well as other sites but somehow I never received a job offer. He sounded sheepish over the phone and told me he cannot help me because of my ethnic background.

This guys is a Professional Grovelling Weasel of the worst kind and he makes a living picking only whites for racist employers in china. Please know he isn't someone whom you should do business with lest you enjoy continuing the corruption in the ESL World of china.

#3 Parent Ailan - 2011-11-25
Re: Threats to be blacklisted in China

Everybody listen,

There is no way you going to trace the recruiter's name. They become sophisticated now to the point they are hiring whites to do the work for them. They are giving them higher salary and training them how to be chinese. So have a good thought about that. All I can say, A monkey is always a monkey... no one can change.

#4 Parent Dman - 2009-06-14
Re: Threats to be blacklisted in China

Here is the email i was sent by Chris Johnson after saying I and my friends no longer wanted to take up the position -

This news actually come as no surprise, as our records indicate this is the third time you have applied, accepted and then come up with a flimsy, simple minded excuse.

We have informed the school of this, and on Monday they have informed us that they will report your cases to the Chinese National Government Department responsible for the administration of Foreign Teachers in China, so as to register your names as undesirable foreign nationals for the teaching programs in China.

It is our strong belief that you never intended moving further with the teaching positions, all the while knowing that a Chinese school was making moves to formally process your application, thus thoroughly wasting the schools time and resources, and it is for this reason we fully support the schools decision to formally register your cases with the National authorities.


Chris Johnson

Recruitment Coordinator

Here was my response -

Dear Chris

I am disappointed, but similarly not surprised, with your response. Clearly your records do not show that the "three previous times" we have contacted you were mere enquires as to the processes involved in getting a teaching position in China, and the correspondence lasted no more than a few emails.

In this particular case, we have had a number of contracts offered to us from a number of schools. After reading your contract from Bekerley, and i might add reading several damning reviews from previous employees, we decided against accepting a position with this school. We have been warned by several people about the Bekerley school, which as you might or might not understand, made us wary of you and any contract you would send. I must say the email sent from you yesterday confirms the warnings we received. We did not sign a contract, and therefore I find it surprising that the school would have taken the process any further. As to your belief that we never had any intention of taking the process further, the fact that we have accepted a position and signed a contract with another school shows that you are wide of the mark.

I hope this is the last correspondence between our parties.

#5 Parent The Owl - 2009-06-14
Re: Threats to be blacklisted in China

If you want, Dman, you can publish the email address of Chris the recruiter; you can even publish his full email where he talks about blacklisting you. Such information can be very useful to warn the teachers who are going to be his next candidates.

#6 Parent The Owl - 2009-06-14
Re: Threats to be blacklisted in China

Thank you for providing the name of the recruiter. Appreciated.

#7 Parent Dman - 2009-06-14
Re: Threats to be blacklisted in China

yeah it was with network esl, goes by the name of Chris Johnson. i had sent him my CV, photo of passport, degree certificate etc, he offered me a position in a school, i said i'd like to accept it, then he sent the contract. i thought about it for a few weeks, saw a few dodgy reviews in this forum, so i said i no longer was interested in the position, then he sends me the email saying the school is pissed off and they are goin to contact the Department of Foreign nationals on monday and he will support their views that i am to be not considered for future teaching positions.

#8 Parent The Owl - 2009-06-14
Re: Threats to be blacklisted in China

Can you give us the name of the recruiter?

Dman - 2009-06-14
Threats to be blacklisted in China

hello, basically i accepted a position to work for a school. i then recieved a contract tat i needed to sign from the recruiter. After reading it and reading reviews about the school on this site, i did not sign the contract and informed the recruiter i was not going to take up the position. the recruiter then emailed me saying as i had wasted the schools time and effort, and that because i had contacted him before enquring about positions but did not take it any further, the school was goin to contact the office of foreign nationals and tell them not to accept me for any positions in china. is this possible or not? I have accepted a contract with another school and am currently geting the documents/visas sorted out now. Is it possible for a school/recruiter to blacklist someone like this. The school was the Bekerley school

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