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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-06-19
Re: Estimated Monthly Traffic,this board!

These are stats for the entire site, not just the ESL Discussion FORUM. What you don't know is the true number for visits, referrals, redirects, searches, length of time for each visit, area of the site where each visitor goes, etc., etc.

Okay,Math,point conceded.You're right.We'd best stick to the facts,not only re the above,but also about other issues,see below:

Stop banging the drum for the Company. While you and Turnoi, SB and others continually belittle others for being loyal employees, one can make an argument that the three of you are, indeed, ''Company Men'' yourselves.

Thanks all the same for your advice.
Actually,I can only speak for myself.In my case,it would depend on what I think of each individual company/educational establishment.And I base my opinion mainly on irrefutable evidence such as teaching contracts containing clauses specifying very unfair conditions of dismissal that could be applied to foreign teachers,contrary to EFL industry norms.Obviously,a bad situation that could well be a pointer to other problems at said workplace.

As for other criteria,such as high foreign teacher turnover and/or complaints against particular schools that have been made against them by posters on boards,that's more difficult to get to the bottom of.But I would say that employees of companies,some,if not most of whom,have a vested interest in not rocking the boat,could be expected to misrepresent a bad company in a good light.

As for local outsiders becoming whistleblowers,it's hard to imagine there to have been another reason other than they're trying to stop what they believe to be teacher abuse by bad employers and/or their DOS's and/or their academic managers.But that's not to say there couldn't be other motives that are behind a whistleblower's actions.I'm sure we'll have a better idea of the truth after Rauol,the Duke,responds to the insults that have been posted against him on this board.I'm looking forward very much to reading his response.

By the way,I note that you are trying to turn your unproven-to-be-true opinions into irrefutable evidence.I'd be careful about arguing any case on that basis or by using sweeping generalisations.The readers of this board tend to be well educated people who are not easily duped.

As for SFLS,I've said what I've needed to say,and will say no more about it until after Raoul posts on this board.Aside from that,I have every faith that the majority of the readers will agree with what I've said.If some of them choose to disbelieve me,and then work for said school,and end up in trouble,I will have no sympathy for them whatsoever.

#2 Parent Math - 2009-06-19
Re: Estimated Monthly Traffic,this board!

These are stats for the entire site, not just the ESL Discussion FORUM. What you don't know is the true number for visits, referrals, redirects, searches, length of time for each visit, area of the site where each visitor goes, etc., etc.

Stop banging the drum for the Company. While you and Turnoi, SB and others continually belittle others for being loyal employees, one can make an argument that the three of you are, indeed, ''Company Men'' yourselves.

#3 Parent Turino - 2009-06-18
Re: Estimated Monthly Traffic,this board!
#4 Parent Math - 2009-06-18
Re: Estimated Monthly Traffic,this board!

Don't guess. Provide numbers, please.

Turino - 2009-06-17
Estimated Monthly Traffic,this board!

Contrary to what some would say/imply,click on the link below to ascertain the monthly traffic on this board and other relevant info.Don't listen to those who would tell you that few budding teachers check said board out before deciding which employer to apply to.

Facts,not opinions!


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