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#1 Parent Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau MA, PhD, DPh(ongoing research) - 2009-06-21
Re: Cosmos International University

Hi Cunning Linguist,

By looking at your writing, I know you are the person who can easily say, "Poor English" when you don't understand an English word or a phrase in other people's writing whereas it's not convoluted.

First of all, it useless and waste of time to post this kind of questions in this forum where as all your questions are related to only one organization and a university. Are you afraid of asking question directly to the concern person? If yes, I am sure you have some hidden feeling of shyness to write it out in this forum. In fact, Cosmos International University(CIU) is not going to eat you in any way. Whenever you want to ask any question about CIU or Prof.Pau, try to look for appropriate email address online: www.ciuac.org/contact.html and contact the concern person directly otherwise nobody will know your question is placed over here. I have a PhD from Cosmos International University so you should use Prof.Dr.Pau when writing my name, otherwise it's better not to use my name at all because using my name is not necessary for you as a stranger. It's my name so I have authority to use or not to use a fore name that I want. I mean, if you are serious a bout the matter and really want to get the answer right away, send me email. I just came to know about your post this morning so you get the response today.

My first question is WHY DO YOU SUSPECT ABOUT COSMOS EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION? It seems that you are not familiar with this kind of organization that is the reason why you post such question in this public forum without asking the concern person. I guess you have a jealous on my organization, degree and expertise. If you do, you should try to find out a better heuristic education instead of going to a regular university but you should have the bility to do that. Cosmos International University is an educational organization and I do not know what particular point you suspect about. By the way, do you believe in yourself? If so, you should believe in other people and what they do at the same time. This is human's world and know that you are in a type of an organization wherever you are whether you name it or not. I do the same as a human being and I name it Cosmos International University which is one of the ministries of Christian Development International Ministry,the mother and larger organization body. If you are human being, you should be able to understand about it.

I don't believe in the word PREJUDICED though I am from one of the minority groups in Myanmar because I don't have the same feeling as you do. I don't like discrimination in any way, so we treat everyone in this world equal in general. The only difference we have as human being is that our education. Education doesn't mean just getting degrees from universities but I am talking about "real" education which means professional qualification with the degrees a person received regardless of his or her alma maters-accredited university, non accreditation university or online university. What I mean here is, if you had received a MA or PhD degree from a university in Asia and had done manual work or become dish washer in the USA, UK or any other countries, you education would not be counted as the "real" one. It's just fake education. You should prove your MA, and PhD with what you do, then can we call your education, "real" education. We, at Cosmos International University, want "real" education as we do follow the same education so far that's why we call our university prestigious.

I am Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau. Since you have not been selected to take up a volunteer position in Cosmos International University or Christian Development International Ministry, we would like to tell you that you are not responsible for asking that question unless you have a genuine interest to read my Master's degree thesis. And why should a univesity degree thesis be printed and what is it going to be used for? If you really want to read it, it's available with me. But you should make a special request to do so in writing and send your request to my email address: director@ciuac.org.

But I will explain you why I always try to push Frank Zhang to look for a better job is that we, both have made an agreement which is confirmed by making payment to help each other, so I have the right to let him know the type of job I want. And I feel I am responsible for any query from anyone about ESL job as long as I feel it's related to me. At the same time, he has a responsibility to get me an English teaching job as well. That's why I always make some statements-negative or positive point about him in this forum. In fact, it's nothing to do with you unless you want to pay the money back to me or stop talking about this matter. It's just a few hundred U.S. dollars.

And about the university diploma, we don't issue any bona-fide certificate. We issue MA and PhD degree diplomas signed by the president, registrar and the recipient of the diploma. Some people questioned about the signature of the recipient being placed in a diploma issued by Cosmos International University. Cosmos International University has not regular classes to complete a course as it's organizational institute. Our volunteers are not living in the same country and they are from different parts of the world. So, we don't know what is what in each other heuristic research education which makes the academicians and heuristic researchers sign in their diploma to prove they are qualified to take up the post in a related field or job. And we value our education very much. At the same time we profess, make a living and depend on it, so we call our university not just prestigous but very very... pretigious. Moreover, we like modern heuristic education more than studying at a university, which has some billion dollars worth buildings inside. Beautiful campus and nice buildings don't give anyone "real" education. It gives us a comfortable living. As long as you have enough money to buy or rent those facilities, you can get them all anywhere in this Cosmos but you won't get the "real" education you look for by having those facilities. But to qualify to join a course at Cosmos, one must have extraordinary skill, talent, and expertise in the field of study he or she like to pursue because no spoon feeding courses is available at Cosmos International University like in a regular university.

There is a link for Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard universities not because we like the kind of accreditation they have or there are fabulous buildings in their campus but because they have their own library, which has more than one million volume of books in each campus without which those universities would never get such a big name as this. And we don't believe is your accreditation even if your institute's located in USA or UK unless the students there in have the qualification . But Cosmos International University accredit only quality education or REAL education individually if a person has the qualification.

No qualified student from other university has never been forced to sign up with Cosmos International University. And there is no formal application form to fill-in either. Any one who is interested in the University should send their admission proposal to info@ciuac.org. The US$4000 for a year study fee for a Master's degree student is just a small amount to help you get the right professor for the course you want to study and to get recognition of the university that we can see your information in our data which will prove you to get a good job in the future. You should know that it's just a help if you want to study and sign up with Cosmos International University. We need no staff infact. Because it's a volunteer organization so everyone involves in this organization has his or her own job and high pay job. If you become a student, our human resource department will help you advertise how you want to write your heuristic research education and autonomous learning experience in different parts of the world in Cosmos International University data on internet. Remember, nobody will get admission easily because one must have an extraordinary ability and skill to do so in the desired subject.

My education at the University of Madras is about studying business though the name of degree is BCom( Bachelor of Commerce). I studied business law, organization, French as my second language, English as my first language and different financial management subjects while practicing my oral and writing English at ELS. So there is no doubt about my education at the University of Madras was one of the best, which finally got me admission at a bachelor and master level at one of the colleges at Oxford University and Harvard University. I was not able to attend the two universities because of financial problem.

But I am qualified to teach English so my qualification always gives me success when applying for job, which means my Master's or PhD degree is as important as my qualification which makes me say my university is or I am, "sponteneously recognised". Unless someone who has jealousy and personal hatred feeling on me, my education is approved automatically and sponteneously recognized by job owners, universities, colleges or schools as long as teaching English is concern unless there is nationality dicrimination in giving jobs.

Why are you curious about my qualification? If you want to be like me, you should try hard or say nothing to me. It seems that you have a lot of money, so why don't you go for some well-known expensive universities which many people think they have a better education and they are accredited? Unless you are going to interview me for a teaching English professor position, you shouldn't judge or question my education. If you're an education minister of a country or government, you should personally find it out from me instead. Why are you afraid of? I legally stay in China with a valid resident permit and will teach English here because this is the world's biggest ESL job market. Since I have a heuristic research education, it's the country where I should be in. I may even get rich in China. Why should you bother about it? If I am capable of being rich in a foreign country, what kind of manner is your characteristics? Who are you to ask me such question even if you may be the king of China or the president of this country? Do you think China can stand alone without having relationship with other nations? The answer is "No", unless you want to make Chinese economy miserable like the one you had 50 years ago. Be careful in talking all these thing less you get hurt. Can a person be rich in a foreign country? Ofcourse, why do you bother about this? Have you ever been to another country and see how a Chinese man becomes rich in the USA or how Malaysian man becomes rich in China as well? Do you know how much time and life I invest in China to search for my heuristic education? It's worth more than a million dollar to some Chinese students, do you know that? I get back a little salary from the job owner which is just to cover my day to day expenses and make a living. That's all a job owner can give me. Maybe, they might say,"It's a big sum." But for me, I would say, "They gave me enough food and a good living." That's all what they can offer. No big deal. I should say, "Thank you." because I am not death and still alive. That's all. Even now, I am eking out a living without a proper job offered from Chinese government in Shenzhen city.

To explain the meaning of "colligated to the bailiwick of perusal" you should buy a good doctionary at the least or go to Cosmos International University's library website at www.ciuac.org/li.html and find out the meaning from those dictionaries online. Don't just take the only one meaning of an English word that you know or have learnt. What a shame it is that you don't even understand such small phrase of the English language! There is no nonsense in Cosmos International University website. Every single word is meaningful and practical at the same time.

From the last sentence that you made, you talked about the lost of my briefcase in Hong Kong. It was my briefcase. You should know that without being stolen, I would not lost my briefcase in anyway. And you don't know how many crooked, cheaters, discriminators, thieves and beggars live in Hong Kong when I was a visitor over there in November, 2004. Don't think that everyone in a country or city is good and perfect. You will never know, one day, the most lovable person even in your family may become a terror to you, so is in a city or in a country and it can happens everywhere at any time. That was my first time to visit Hong Kong so, I didn't know how to do things otherwise I would have gone for suing the case at a court of law in Hong Kong. Finally, I took a police memo from the police station in Mongkok area, got "F" visa to China as directed by a friend from Birmingham and started teaching English at Omeida College in Yangshou.

By the way, have you ever been to Hunan Province? Because you talked something about my certificate burnt in fire. I taught English there for almost a year. I didn't feel comfortable when I was there? I felt like blocking my ear and couldn't hear properly like a deaf person, which finally made me afraid of every one around me so I threw my MA degree diploma in a fire. It was madness but I don't know how it came about. I think you may feel the same even now if you go there. In fact, I am afraid of going there again. It's not a joke. It's about life and death. So I re-issued the MA degree diploma in Macau with the consent of the University's president and registrar in November, 2005 and was able to apply for teaching English job at a college in Jiangxi in 2006. I am still using it and will use it forever and ever because it's very very prestigious to me. I love it, protect it, and deserve the right to use it any where in the world.

In conclusion, there is no absurdity in everything I do but I know everything has two sides so in your view point, it might be ridiculous but there may a time you may face the same problem as I did, then you will know. The time may come for your turn as well some day. Who knows. Would you be happy to face the same? I guess so. If you have more questions, send them to my mail box: nginsianpau@ciuac.org or cdimdirector@gmail.com because I don't normally visit this site. Maybe once or twice a month. Thank you that you put your interest in the things of Cosmos International University so that you could write that much about the university. As the volunteer director of the university, I welcome you to become a member of interested individuals if you are willing to do so by sending me your passport size photo. But we don't force you to do it. Use your free-will.

Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau BCom(English),MA,PhD,DPh(ongoing research)
Teaching English Professor
Cosmos International University (www.ciuac.org)
ESL Resume: www.ciuac.org/res.html

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