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#1 Parent peter - 2009-06-22
Re: truth be told

what age are you?

stop behaving like a child

#2 Parent Jerome - 2009-06-22
Re: truth be told

Fantastic! You've finally admitted the lie. Good for you. And you did so by alluding to that which I hoped you would, which is that we are all human and therefore imperfect. And yes, according to your logic and mine, we are all capable of lying because we cannot fully escape the walks of the flesh. So, yes, you're right, I have lied in the past, but it's been a long time, and, although I have done so in the past, I do make an effort not to do so now. This doesn't mean I won't fail in my efforts; however, in this instance of trying to make it clear to you and others that I am not Kevin I am not lying. The fact that you find similarities in my writing and his is not sufficient evidence, and it is shameful that you would use that as a means of defamation.

I agree with you that there are faults to be found within the American legal system. Let's say it's a work in progress, but the fact remains that one is innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, the fat cats can often escape the bullet, while the poor often cannot. This is a fact of life that we can view as disgusting, but that will take time to change. Fortunately, though, we still have a system that ultimately will be seen as fair and impartial - generally speaking. So, we have a foundation that can be built on and I will defend that foundation over any other that I'm aware of.

As for GWB, he has done more to turn the world against America than anyone could have possibly imagined. You won't get any argument from me in that regard.

The absence of the rule of law in China despite the Beijing governments pleas for that to become more of a reality than it is, is one of my biggest concerns about this country. But I'm afraid you're still missing the point of my posts, be you a discerning reader or not. The point is, as I've clearly stated for DPP's benefit, is that this discussion, the original one, not the one about you guys claiming that I'm Kevin, would be more professional if we viewed it holistically. If you want to break it down piece by piece and start with the fact that many training centers are "crap," so be it. But how long must we be subjected to the rhetoric associated with that reality without examining other aspects of a system whose failures are multi-faceted?

"Actually,he's mortal too,and a sinner,as he's trying to be a spin doctor on here.But it's not working,is it?Readers can see from the number of posts against you that it isn't!"

To whom are you actually writing this post? If you're writing to Kevin, please confine yourself to the issues pertaining to him and his defense of his own school. If you're writing to me, have the decency to address me other than in the third person.

#3 Parent Turino - 2009-06-22
Re: truth be told

Lies are lies!White lies are white lies,lies told in anger are still lies.No excuses can be made for any people wh deliberately lie,neither for the likes of GWB nor for clerics nor for me!Man is mortal,to err is mortal too,and I bet you're a liar too,just like the rest of us.
As for your exaltation of the American legal system,I think you're blowing the trumpet of a system that on more occasions than other Western legal systems has succeeded in sending the wrong man to the chair while allowing for the likes of GWB to grant unwarranted presidential pardons to those who should have been done away with,just like most of those who were.So,stop singing the praises of your country's legal system on here -laughable among discerning readers!
That said,for a self-proclaimed discerning reader,I'm surprised you've haven't raised doubts as to whether justice can ever be done here in China in spite of the rampant corruption,and there being oftentimes no rule of law.I'd have thought a discerning reader like you would be well aware of those two negative factors.I suspect that you are indeed aware of both,but choose not to enlighten others regarding them.No problem,we needn't such enlightenment as we already know about them.
If you like to align yourself with one side of a story,and what Jerome says is what you would say too,you can align yourself with his point of view.But unlike him,real discerning readers can see through his pathetic scamming attempt.
Actually,he's mortal too,and a sinner,as he's trying to be a spin doctor on here.But it's not working,is it?Readers can see from the number of posts against you that it isn't!

#4 Parent Gadger - 2009-06-21
Re: truth be told

Look at that, the rest is none of your business!

Jerome - 2009-06-21
truth be told

On March 9th of this year, this question was posed to Turnoi:

In that you seem to have so much knowledge of how things operate in America, perhaps you could tell us how much time you have spent there.

On March 10th of this year, Turnoi replied:

15 years

I have repeatedly requested that Turnoi support this claim by providing additional information such as when he was there and where exactly he was. He has refused to answer these questions, nor has he replied that he, indeed, spent 15 years in America. It's an obvious lie that he won't own up to, thereby reducing his credibility. Moreover, it suggests that he hasn't the gumption to admit a lie, yet he is quite comfortable with casting doubt on the posts of others; such as currently insisting that I and Kevin are one and the same person. I've denied it repeatedly, yet he takes great delight in referring to Kevin as Jerome/Kevin or referring to me in the same way. Essentially, he's labeled me a liar.

Still waiting, Turnoi. Yes, we've been waiting for over three months to show us what you're made of. Are you man or mouse?

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