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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-06-25
Re: NETWORK ESL and Chris Johnson

This thread is headed 'NETWORK ESL and Chris Johnson'
So far,we've had a complaint re said recruiter relating to C J's vindictive response when a jobseeker decided not to sign a teaching contract.I believe the complainant has a justified gripe.What he said has put C J and the recruiter in a bad light.
There was also another complaint re said recruiter not replying to an e-mail from a jobseeker.We don't know whether said jobseeker had a low profile re paper qualifications and/or teaching experience,which would make it difficult for the agent to place him.So that complaint is relatively minor,but still not to be forgotten,in contrast to the one above.
That said,Mr Hipwell's reply is not at all useful,as it is somewhat arrogant by nature and doesn't address the serious complaint above in any way.I also note some other posters have supported said recruiter too.Far enough.
What would have been best would have been for NETWORK ESL to reprimand severely,or even fire CJ,and apologise in this thread for his unprofessional and vindictive behavior.The recruiter should have also guaranteed that the disgraceful way said jobseeker was treated by one of its employees would never occur again.But that hasn't transpired yet.
Network ESL should not quote that they have done good work for many satisfied jobseekers while choosing to ignore one unsavoury incident.That approach won't remove their now-tarnished reputation.Failing to address the complaint about the vindictiveness of CJ shows us the recruiter lacks integrity.Now,do you wish to entrust such a recruiter with arranging a teaching post for you?I think not.Me neither.

George Hipwell - 2009-06-24
NETWORK ESL and Chris Johnson

I was astounded to read some of the commentary regarding several posts over the last few days and felt compelled to add my two cents worth to the commentary.

It is truly an unfortunate situation that has arisen that most posters feel the need to bash for bashing sake. It leaves the company and person involved in the untenable situation of you are dawned if you do and dawned if you dont which does not lend itself to a fair and just commentary.

This is the premise upon which I base my own commentary that most posts concerning recruitment companies and recruiters are motivated by a one size fits all mentality bash all recruiters and associates for bash for bashing sake which is fundamentally UNFAIR, UNWARRANTED AND TOTALLY MISLEADING

This is my motivation for responding, not a self promotion of the services provided by Network ESL and Chris Johnson (although I am an unabashed fan and user of their services and will continue to be so, along with 1000s of other teachers). I truly believe commentary should be made, whether positively or negatively, based on fairness and personal experience, in this way a true and fair review is forthcoming.


I am a qualified Education professional from the USA, with Phd in Education Administration, a Master in Education and a qualified teacher, I also have an extensive teaching and administrative history of over 20 years at both the High School and University level in the US and more recently in China. I thus feel well versed and qualified to speak on such matters.

I have been teaching in China for the past 6 years and have, from the outset used the services provided by Network ESL in securing my teaching position, having said that I do not make these comments with a slant of bias or favoritism, rather they are based on actual fact and history, mine and others, I have meet, that have used Network ESL and in some cases Chris Johnson.

Again, my motivation for posting is not to provide a glowing reference for Chris Johnson and Network ESL (which I would be more than happy to do so) rather to comment on the unnecessary, unwarranted, misleading and disparaging comments made by posters previously and the motivation behind them, which only serves to foster misinformation, mistruths and simply incorrect impressions and analysis of ESL in China for potential teachers

From the outset I would like to mention that NETWORK ESL has proven to be an utterly professional outfit regarding the placement process. It is NOT the run of the mill Chinese recruiting organization, and has been operating in China now for over 7 years with over 10,000 Foreign Teachers placed all over China. I am sure all would agree that a company does not exist for such a length of time without providing a level of service that is sought after by a vast number of teachers.

It is disappointing that those who have good experiences, post very rarely, if at all, to even up the commentary but that is, I guess, human nature. Those with negative comments - talk, those with positive experiences - get on with getting on enjoying rewarding experiences introduced by reputable and professional firms such as Network ESL

To the negative spin doctors:

I, and others, were somewhat taken aback at the level of English comprehension displayed by some posters on this site, as the email message posted by a teacher querying the validity of an email sent by Network ESL, clearly states it is/was THE SCHOOLS intention to forward the teachers details to the relevant Chinese Government organization NOT Chris Johnson or Network ESL. Network ESL would clearly have their own reasons for not rejecting this decision, based on what is obviously a long and checked history by the teachers when applying for positions

Again, it is unwarranted and certainly unfair to simply recruiter bash for recruiter bashing sake without understanding and comprehending the facts of each particular case.

The level of language and descriptions thrown, only shows to highlight the main motivation behind the posts is simple recruiter basing at any cost. This approach is simply unfair and unjustified

If you have personal experience with a recruiter ok, but to sling mud in all directions at any time, only proves to highlight unprofessionalism and scant regard for common decency. It is unfortunate that most posters seem motivated by matters other than and divorced from fact and reality

I certainly do not begrudge the right of teachers and people to post comments on message boards such as this, far from it, however, those comments should be motivated by the desire to provide correct information and not by personal disparaging comments made simply for the sake of flaming an issue and to sully the name of a person or organization that is unfair, unprofessional and simply the wrong thing to do and the wrong approach to take in an effort to enlighten other would be ESLers

Again, I for one welcome, constructive commentary, debate and reviews on the ESL industry in China, it can only serve to provide information on the realities of ESL in China -BUT such commentary should be made for the right reasons and NOT be driven by unprofessional commentary, personal agendas, simple recruiter bashing for recruiter bashing sake and unadulterated bias.


I would implore the moderators of this site to have more control and oversight regarding comments made, most of us have no problem whatsoever regarding comments made on certain matters, but when posters see the need to offer no factual, real information and only disparaging comments and personal innuendos and derogatory comments just for the sake of attempting to ruin a reputation that is when moderators should step in

Network ESL - Does a lot more than just provide positions

2 years ago I attended a conference held by Network ESL in Shanghai, the express purpose of the conference was to highlight ways in which companies, schools and Government Departments could improve Chinas ESL recruitment, ESL teaching standards, Management of Foreign Teachers issues and other aspects specifically related to the ESL industry in China

This was a conference that was attended by over 500 ESL Teachers, who were or who had worked as Foreign Teachers in China, most of which were introduced by Network ESL, all, I can assure you would agree that Chris Johnson and Network ESL conducted their application process and management throughout their teaching in China with the utmost professionalism and care.

The conference was also attended by many Government Departments and schools, both Chinese and International.

These teachers, and other participants, were, and are, motivated by one common desire, which is to improve the standards and conditions in the ESL industry in China NETWORK ESL and Chris Johnson also have this as one of their major objectives. I can personally assure you that Chris Johnson, throughout his time in China and with Network ESL displays the kind of professional approach to teaching in China that is second to none, his motivation towards providing a professional service to teachers is simple to provide a support network for teachers in China.

Furthermore, I can assure you that in Chris Johnson, you will find it hard to find a more dedicated person and company he represents that works harder to protect teachers entitlement and rights than him and Network ESL, you do not get to be involved in an industry for over 7 years without a positive track record.


By all means we, teaching here in China or those contemplating teaching in China, have the right to comment on matters regarding ESL in China, HOWEVER, I would urge all those considering making such comments to be fair and honest in your commentary and reviews and leave out unnecessary, disparaging and derogatory remarks from your reviews.

If you think, or know, your post is motivated by simple recruiter bashing, think twice before posting it is not fair to the parties concerned nor does it provide clarity to potential teachers

Be professional in your reviews, provide the facts and not sully your review with dirty name calling etc

I thank you for your time and wish all the best with their teaching in China it can be a very rewarding experience!

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