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#1 Parent Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau - 2009-06-24
Re: Cosmos International University

Education isn't legal process so it's not our priority to set up any legal process in connection with Cosmos International University. We know what we have to do and what ought to be done. The international law link in ciuac.org will automatically be available as soon as someone, who meets the qualification we need comes to set it up with the cooperation of our legislator.

Heuristic education, whether you understand or not , came to exist since human races began. We are still human races in the modern world, who start recognizing that education system the best and introducing it to our modern society. That's what we mean. I hope you understand it well. You are right in saying that there was no one to fill-in Registrar position right now. The right person may come sooner or later. The buildings and flags, surrounding the first page of our university are just for decoration. They will be changed time to time as it is a universal website. Any picture is possible to post over there as long as the pictures belong to our cosmos. Cosmos International University is not a regular university, which concerns everyone who wants to study, so we have limits in choosing our researchers. You may refer our website: www.ciuac.org/Academicians.php .

We don't have any concern for people who are still in the beginning of their education at the moment. Cosmos admits only people who are able to do heuristic research and be autonomous learner at doctoral and advance doctoral levels. The best job for a person is the most interesting and enjoyable job for him or her. That's why I said that I got the best job because Teaching English is the most interesting and enjoyable job for me. So I've never taken any job offered other than teaching English in China.

OK,I know you have a very good responsibility for the project you mentioned but don't bother Cosmos International University for we have no money to hire you.

Thanks for your suggestion to submit some writings to the UK, but we have no time to do that at this time. And we think it's not necessary for us to do so.

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