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#1 Parent Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau - 2009-06-26
Re: Cosmos International University

If you believe it or not, I, as shown in my resume, have teaching experiences at some of the best universities, institute, college and school in China and taught some individual PhD and MA students for the past five years and have a very good reputation among foreign English teachers/ professors and am one of the top international English teachers or professors in the world. Before teaching English in China, I taught some police colonels, university students and 3rd grade international students in Bangkok for three years as well. Including my teaching English experience to some waiters and waitresses in Kuala Lumpur, the total number of years come to almost ten years now including summer holidays. My last teaching English to advance level students took place at Jiangxi Normal University, one of the best universities in China. My teaching English began at Palaphantvitaya School in Wichianburi, Petchabun Province, Thailand in June, 1999. If you are not absent minded or abnormal person, you should be able to understand who I am and what I have been doing as my profession.

It's not necessary to tell all this things in this forum but since you try to condemn me without knowing anything about myself, I have to articulate this short message in writing. Hope you understand it by now.

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