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#1 Parent Jack Kanoi - 2005-02-09
Any leads?

Thanks, Miss_Cole, for your input and encouragement but after hundreds and maybe, a thousand applications I really have begun to lose hope. I would, however, appreciate any assistance from you in the mattter - I mean, if you could provide any leads as to the schools/universities in your city that might be willing to look at me.
Please feel free to drop me a line.

#2 Parent ShortyRed - 2005-02-08
Not the Usual Countries

I think it depends on the people within the city you go to whether or not non-traditional (by Chinese standards) native english speakers are accepted. I know people from India and Africa who have taught or currently teach in my current home city, so it can be done, you just have to find the right environment. Really, the schools should do oral interviews with potential teachers, anyway. I had to take over 2 classes from an Australian teacher and couldn't understand the kids at all because his accent was very thick. I know other Australians and understand them fine, but this teacher's accent was out there.

#3 Parent vikas verma - 2005-02-05
Feel the pains as you non-native guys

Hello guys and girls. dear beloved people who are striving to find jobs here and there in china. We dont have a white skin and are not native and so we face racisim in this country. I am proud to say that I have discovered a racist country meaning which i always used to ask my dad when i was learning history and how he could not explain it better. I learnt it here. I think thats something to do with chinese mind set. Or i would say the government plannings. I would say government has opened a small window for all these billions of people through which if you peep, you would only see western culture. Secondly the people here dont' give a shit to what happens in other countries. With this jingoism going all year and among all chinese that china is the best, chinese people are very good, and chinese food is very good, to me frankly it all sounds so stupid and strongly feel regretful for them.

How blind these people are, I mean not one or two here, almost millions of people in china seem to have smiliar mentalities. no one seems different. My own wife who is chinese is proud of chinese music. She thinks Chinese music is the next best after English music. However i remember I never had this feeling all 26 years of my living in india that indian music is the best. I always thought that there is something which we are missing.

I know this letter might seem long from me but this is a 0.1 percent of the total story. anyways i will end here and pray and hope that some day story might change.

#4 Parent The Wean - 2005-01-28
yes, and they're missing out on a world of good teachers, it's retarded.

I am a good teacher and I've met loads of inept just-give-me-the-money teachers out here. I don't have a passport from an English speaking country and I've been having a hell of a time finding work. I guarantee you I speak better english than most of those idiotic hicks out here. Schools are pulling a really stupid move with that of not taking teachers form any other country than the US, Canada, UK, Australia or New Zealand.
Can i suggest, to those that run schools, to wise up.

#5 Parent jannz - 2005-01-29
American is a Dialect

Do some study mate!

#6 Parent Jack Kanoi - 2005-01-28
English doesn't belong to one nation...not any more

Hey, that was a trifle trifle.
Re: Scotland - not everyone, everywhere knows about everywhere else! And, remember, the ones hinted at are mere greenhorns.
BTW, another song goes, "The times, they're a-changin'....."

#7 Parent bethanael - 2005-01-28
passport&color of skin

Hi! Although I agree with you in some cases,not all in other cases.How about those people with skin problems for instance,like Michael Jackson,those people with skin disease like "albinos",they are white skinned,mind you?but am not sure if they will be accepted as esl teachers.The bottom line is "talent",SKA[skills,knowledge&attitude]...they go hand in hand...like horse&carriage,like love&marriage...as the song goes...White skin,will wrinkle&sag,but talent will not,it's not because you are born in africa,by accident,does not mean you do not have a place in this world.What I'm trying to say is"you have to learn how to live with it"....
P.S> re:Call Centers :? :? :?
Mind you,since these call centers started,it created a lot of havoc to all people around the globe.Imagine one person is making a long distance call to a place in scotland&operator does not know where scotland is???got me??? :D :D :D

#8 Parent The Angry One - 2005-01-27
Damn it your mother!Who cares about your mother?Sorry !

Did you study at the University how to teach English to foreigners?BRITISH ENGLISH,my dear!What do you know about the Chinese students?How can you make them pronounce VVVVVV ???

#9 Parent Jack Kanoi - 2005-01-28
Passports and skin colour are all-important

Perhaps, the poster here is well-intentioned and maybe there are thousands, if not millions, like this one but I can say from experience that passports and colour of skin are certainly more important than ability or skills while hiring teachers...and getting more so with each passing semester.
Case in point - yours truly. Despite three years' teaching experience in China, a BA (Eng), publishing credits and hundreds of mails I can't find a teaching position.
All posts advertising openings, including those on this board, require 'native' teachers from the US/UK/Canada/Australia and so on.
The accent is on accent. No one seems to care that an accent is reflective of one's environment and that a 'phoney' accent souns awful.
No one seems to bother that English is spoken not only in the aforementioned countries but the world over and one learning the language must aim to 'communicate' with all who do, wherever they come from.
What use is English to a student from China who picks up 'American English' and later in life, travels to Bangladesh, for example, and cannot communicate at all with the people there because he has trained his mind to identify merely 'American English' as English and the rest as '****'.
Grow up people, remember there are thousands of bright young people manning call-centres in Bangalore and elsewhere in India and they take calls in English from callers around the globe, including US/UK/Canada/Australia and Ethiopia.
Now, that is learning!

#10 Parent ESL Foreign Qualified and Experienced Teacher - 2005-01-27
Stop it! Dear colleagues,never mention your mother tongue or your pasport!

If you want to work in China,show your ESL University Diploma,speak about your experience, love your students and you will get paid sufficiently enough in China!!!!! Right,DoS?

#11 Parent Another Chinese student - 2005-01-27
We don't car eabout your passport or mother tongue!

#12 Parent Cninese student - 2005-01-27
But the Chinese students choose their ESL teachers-no matter their mother tongue or passport!

They want just an ESL teacher and to learn English!
No dialects---American,Canadian....

#13 Parent ESL teacher - 2005-01-27
Right,they think that their children will learn our mother tongue----never for $500 !!!!

#14 Parent John - 2005-01-27
Of course,the Chinese parents pay for this,right?

Richard - 2005-01-27
Passport is more important in China than an ESL University Diploma

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