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#1 Parent Turino,BSc,Maths,Ord,Edin - 2009-07-01
Re: Question to Prof. Dr. Ngin Sian Pau

Part of Prof. Dr. Ngin Sian Pau's reply to a post by 'cunning linguist' is shown below:

No ThD degree holder except you have ever made such degrading a person's philosophy or education so far. I respect other people, who earn PhD or ThD degrees because they are respectable and decent in asking things to me personally. If you continue this kind of writing repeatedly, I would rather say your PhD and ThD degrees are nothing higher than a Bachelor degree. I would rather tell you to try to discern others' writing and read them carefully. Otherwise, how can I respect you as a religious leader or a professor?

Well well well!It seems that Prof. Dr. Ngin Sian Pau has let the cat out of the bag re the poster 'cunning linguist'.
Not only is said poster a professor,but also a religious leader,according to said 'academic'What a surprise!That said,having two religious leaders of the calibre of Turnoi and said poster posting on this board is indeed a plus for the board and its readers.
By the way,it's unfortunate that said 'academic' is an elitist - he implies that Bachelor degrees are two-a-penny.Unlike him,I know better!

#2 Parent Prof. Dr. Lord. Admiral. sir eng.JOKER.Phd,Mba, abc,wba.123 - 2009-06-30
Re: Question to Prof. Dr. Ngin Sian Pau

'That's why I can boldly say that I am the top teaching English professor in the world......'

Errrr ok matey boy. I believe ya !

We get some coming on here don't we eh?

Space monkey springs to mind.

A university based not so much in cyberspace but in LALA land.
GREAT just what we need !

#3 Parent Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau - 2009-06-30
Re: Question to Prof. Dr. Ngin Sian Pau

See the meaning of the word "comprehensive" again and learn what I really mean. The meaning of the word "Comprehensive" as per your understanding is "every details or inclusive" but what I mean is totally different. I guess you are a native English speaker. "What a poor native English speaker you are" is going to be in my remark. Instead of condemning, try to learn from others. Then your future will be better, otherwise you have to reap as you sow.

As I told you, Cosmos International University is not virtual university but organizational education university. You still don't understand what I have written in the first page of www.ciuac.org. That's why I can boldly say that I am the top teaching English professor in the world. I say it again now. Why a PhD and ThD degree holder from a UK university can't understand such an easy writing untill now. You make me crazy. I am happy that I didn't go to the UK or US university you went for your PhD and ThD in the past.

No ThD degree holder except you have ever made such degrading a person's philosophy or education so far. I respect other people, who earn PhD or ThD degrees because they are respectable and decent in asking things to me personally. If you continue this kind of writing repeatedly, I would rather say your PhD and ThD degrees are nothing higher than a Bachelor degree. I would rather tell you to try to discern others' writing and read them carefully. Otherwise, how can I respect you as a religious leader or a professor?

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