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#1 Parent lerc - 2011-02-16
Re KNES? - Teachers Discussion

Could you please let me know why this Kuwait National English School is so bad?
I would like to have first hand information of teachers that work or worked there.
Is very important for my family and I, because we have a job offer there.
All I read is bad reviews, but I really want to know what makes it so bad?
I know this posts were written in 2005, 2007 and 2008 but I will appreciate
if just one teacher that worked there can reply.

#2 Parent Christopher - 2008-02-27
Re: Kuwait National English School

I have also been offered a job to teach a variety of subjects at this school and I am pondering wether to accept. I would value any feedback you can give.



#3 Parent Arabian Knight - 2007-04-02
KNES? - Teachers Discussion

The school shopuld be renamed the Kuwait National Egytian School. Not that I have any problems with Egyptians but it is supposed to be an English school and it just aint. Having worked there for a wee while I know how it runs at this establishment. If yr thinking of moving to Kuwait, do it!

- Great lifestyle and you get the opertunity to earn pots of money and travel to parts of the world you would never get the chance to.

If you have a job offer at KNES, reject it!

- The managment of the school are not managers, They are meerly puppets of the director. Nothing will ever change in the school as the director wealds all the power and is not willing to relinquish any of it to her senior staff.

In my experience, if someone is deemed to have cocked up or not done as asked (no, done what to do and refuses), they pay for it with their wages being stopped and can possiby be suspended. The director as a person is ok, as a boss all I can say is...


#4 Parent previous teacher - 2005-02-12
knes good or bad

KNES is a very bad school. It offers no education for students, sad the students are lovely. The administration are bullies and intimidate staff. They need to purchase mirrors and look at themselves before they spread roomers about staff.

#5 Parent knes - 2005-02-07
realy funy

Poppy Parkes <bertandeirlys@hotmail.co.uk
your answer was really funy like you 2 faces , the K.N.E.S its a very bad school very low education , everthing very low from the top to the botton
-the heads are just puppies
-teachers who work there becoause they are not good enough to teach any where else .
-you class the school as english ( but how many english teachers do you have ????????)
im wandering why the ministry of education have not closed you down YET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


#6 Parent Jake Hammond - 2005-02-07
Give KNES a break!

I also hear that some other new staff ran off with the schools money which was entrusted to them to purchase books from the UK for secondary students at KNES. When asked to leave, they burned out their gas oven and looked as though they were aiming to blow up the teacher's appartments. Nice one. There was a pregnant young lady living next door. It also seems that these miscreants have conned yet another school and are still in Kuwait hanging aroungd the KNES carpark trying to persuade students to follow them...to gaol methinks! Go home ...wherever that is!
I am sailing! I am sailing!
Blow me away aye...

What goes around blows around.

#7 Parent Poppy Parkes - 2005-02-07
Kuwait National English School

Having been in kuwait for a few years and witnessed the annual migration of teachers who simply can't hack the Middle East, I am not surprised to read bitter reviews in your forum.
However, When teachers arrive at schools , having lied about their credential and teaching qualifications and experience, it is not surprising that:
a) the Ministry will find out and not accept them as teachers ( when they are not) at any school especially where there is a Special Educational Needs Department. The Ministry actually pay for the private education of these Kuwaiti students and expect quality education. KNES provides that. Present Teachers have Masters degrees, Diplomas, Bachelor degrees or certificates in Special Education. Even some of the Teaching Assistants have teaching degrees from their own countries. b) the school is then in the difficult position of trying to appease the Ministry and apologise for the deceit of others. The school is then left with surplus teachers as they have to recruit more to replace the liars.

When a school goes through the CIS proces, is it not fair to expect everyone to participate or should the workload be placed on the shoulders of a few whilst others take their pay, complain and threaten to write to the newspapers?
These are just some of the behavioural tactics of writers on this forum. Hence they were sacked within their probationary period. Sadly the school must now pay for trying to higher it's standards by reading libellous comments on websites and the attempt of those with sour grapes to prevent other teachers from exploring the opportunities to work in a different but great cultural atmosphere. Is this fair? Every School makes mistakes in certain areas and we need to learn from them. K.N.E.S has certainly learned to check out the credentials of staff thanks to last term's experiences.
In addition, the persons concerned last term cheated the bank out of at least 21,000 US dollars in unpaid credit cards.Does anyone in Kuwait regret their departure...I hear a resounding...NO!

#8 Parent wyn - 2005-02-06

Fred Flinstone lives in the stone ages, that's the only reason I can think that he believes this is a good school.
Only one thing to say 'Just say no"

#9 Parent anthony - 2005-01-22
Great school Link

I visited the school and was pleased with the way the school is administered. Staff and students are very happy
The Director has a clear vision for the school and thinks of the entire school as one giganticfamily.

#10 Parent A Suffering Student - 2005-01-16
Think Twice (If its a good offer....)

BUT it aint so please dont even think about it... i recently joined this school and m a student here what i think about this place is tht its kinda n things usually go topsyturvy in here only..wonder why this doesnt happen in ohter schools...stil its our luck.. every month teacher's come..n go.. not long before the advert for new recruitment is upheld.. wonder why the teachers leave?? n in the mid of their teaching session? when they know they are risking alot of things...? but well who has all tht time to think about it.. they just leave. since the time i came i think 5 to 6 teachers have joined n left in the span of 4 n half months!

Still never mind tht. i will have to complete this year here n then have planned to go elsewhere.. cant afford 'wasting' money..

#11 Parent buffy the vampire slayer - 2005-01-09
kuwait national english school

take a job in iraq! better yet you would have a better chance of surviving a tsunami! don't even think of going to that school!

the director is a she devil! her secretary rides a broom!

#12 Parent Fred Flintstone - 2005-01-08

> Check this. http://www.knes.edu.kw/

Excellent school great staff 8)

#13 Parent Susan - 2004-12-22
Kuwait National English School
CB - 2004-12-06
Kuwait National English School

I would like to ask if anyone has heard of Kuwait National English school. I have a friend who is searching for information on this school. She has been offered a teaching position there and is looking for a "teachers' perspective" on the school environment. Any teachers who have taught there or heard of it, please post a msg.
Thank you,

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