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#1 Parent Jennifer - 2005-02-09
vado vado

I like your style. Where are you teaching?

> go where you are NOT wanted.

> addio signorina

#2 Parent Jennifer - 2005-02-08
money to be made?

PT, is that part-time?
is there any money to be made when having to work illegally?
Also, I don't think taking a course would be a waste of time if it is going to provide me knowledge and confidence in the classroom.

#3 Parent Lao - 2005-02-08
human nature

go where you are NOT wanted.

addio signorina

#4 Parent red - 2005-02-08
save your $

Why are u wasting $ taking a TESOL/CELTA to work illegally in Italy? just go there and teach PT.

#5 Parent Jennifer - 2005-02-08
un bel sogno

> hello.
i just finished reading a long, drawn out debate on here about the protectionist tendencies of the E.U towards North Americans, on here, i think from last December.
the simple fact is I am a Canadian 23 y.o woman, will have my Honours in English, minor in Italian, am searching for the "right" TESOL/CELTA course, and only desire to work and live in Italy. Can someone please tell me that my one and only goal in life is not a futile dream? :?

#6 Parent iTEFLuk - 2005-02-03
Teaching in Italy

In answer to your question, yes, it is possible to find work without a Cert. in Italy

I was a DoS there (Southern Italy) at the turn of the century and a large percentage of the local teaching community were 'un-qualified'.

End of the summer, begining of autumn is probably the best time to turn up looking for work. Put yourself about a bit and finding work should be no problem

#7 Parent Skeeter - 2005-02-02
"Batchelor" Degree

I don't know the answer to your question, but I would suggest that you utilize a dictionary while touting your bona fides.

Michael Hall - 2005-02-02

I am an Australian teacher with TESL and LOTE (teaching modern languages) qualifications. I have a Batchelor degree (Spanish and Arabic), two Graduate Diplomas in Education, a Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics, and nearly 10 years teaching experience.

Do I really need a CELTA-type certificate to teach EFL in Italy? It seems ludicrous that a 4 week course could be considered equivalent to what I already have!

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