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#1 Parent eflfree - 2009-07-10
Re: Racism in China

Sorry, make that "throw" not "through." Duh - I'm an English teacher?

#2 Parent eflfree - 2009-07-10
Re: Racism in China

Perhaps the truth of this lies somewhere in the middle. Perhaps, too, it is a matter of perception. We could through other words in there, too; like negative/positive, optimist/pessimist, cultural sensitive or insensitive. The list could go on and could include shades that range from blatant to unintentional. I think it safe to say, though, that some of will leave China with a bitter taste in this regard and others will not.

The other night I was shooting pool in a rather upscale pool hall in this city with one of my friends and colleagues. We had been there many times and had interacted with the locals who frequented the place without ever experiencing a negative moment. However, on this night, a drunk Chinese man at the other table, sensing my discomfort, subjected me to racial slurs. Oddly, though, I didn't take it that way. I just considered the source. Maybe when sober, he's a nice guy. Who knows? Either way, I feel that this is an isolated incident and I'm not ready to support the argument that racism exists in China simply because there is an occasional slur tossed my way.

To be honest, I've had to deal with more negative treatment due to being American from other foreigners than I have from the Chinese. That's saying a lot because I've traveled extensively in China and have taught in more than a few provinces and autonomous regions. Hell, I've even been subjected to abuse right here in this forum simply because I'm an American.

There's a lot that pisses me off about China. No doubt about that. Many years ago, I posited that China, by the year 2025 would be a model for the rest of the world in many ways. I've backed way off that rather naive assertion; they've got a long way to go before they can lead the world in any way. A starting point might be for them to lose their indifference, but, well, that may be better left as a topic for another thread. Having said that, though, I will add that I've found a lot of hope for China's future in their young people. The memories I have of my interactions with teenagers and young adults here and the relationships I've forged with so many of them will be the positive side of my stay in China that I take home with me.

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