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#1 Parent Solomon - 2005-02-10
On other thing! Can I teach German as well?

I think there're some few jobs for teachers of other teachers. I've met some guys that're teaching French, Japanese and Spanish in China. I also used to know a German guy that was teaching English here, he's got a degree and lived in London for about year or so.

#2 Parent Nadine - 2005-02-09
On other thing! Can I teach German as well?

Hi guys... just wondering if it would be possible as well to teach German instead of English... at least then I am a bloody native-speaker... :\

#3 Parent Nadine - 2005-02-09
Thank you! :)

Hi All,
thanks a lot for your help! I will keep trying. I just hate to think that just because I was born in fecking Germany my whole future is fecked! In many ways... :(
The degree is another problem but at least I can somehow understand that requirement.
Thanks again for all your help,


#4 Parent Felix - 2005-02-09
re non-native speaker

Hi Nadine,
Getting an English language teaching job in china is pretty easy with a degree irrespective of whether you are a native speaker or not,so long as you are European and also able to command the English language like somebody from Australia,Canada,new Zealand, the united kingdom and the united states.These are the most preferred countries Chinese ignorantly prefer English teachers to come from, as according to Chinese, being a native speaker automatically qualifies you to be a teacher.If you possess a degree Angelina can secure for you a job.

#5 Parent Solomon - 2005-02-09
Where in China

Even in China, you would mostly need a degree to get a job with public colleges/universities. Some language schools hire people without degree or experience.You'd need to apply to several schools to find the ones that could accept u.

The many schools you apply to, the better your chances.

www.chinatefl.com, www.eslcafe.com, www.tefl.com

Good luck.

#6 Parent Nadine - 2005-02-08
erm... ok... WHERE in China? :)

I wrote to a few schools that did not specify the requirements but I have little hope :(
Any specific schools?
I would be really thankful for help!

#7 Parent adam - 2005-02-08
Yes, China *No message*

Nadine - 2005-02-08
Non-native speaker

Hi there,
I am a German national who is living in Ireland for over three years. 8)
I am a bit frustrated >:-( to see that all the schools are looking for native speakers with degrees!
The majority of Germans does not go to colleage and is still working in banks, offices etc. Everything that does require a degree in other countries! (Besides Doctors, lawyers and Engineers etc of course) :\
Anyway... does anyone know if there is a chance for me AT ALL to get a job abroad? :?
It's so frustrating because I know my English is better than some native speakers' ;) (Remember I live in Ireland )
Anyway... if someone could give me an answer I would be more than happy!
Thank youuuu!

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