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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2009-07-17
Re: Silverboy and Grovelling Weasels!

I agree with HireED, I think that bad business will only embolden the crooked bosses of the private schools to act like this even more to the point where they believe that this is okay or even justified. I don't think that all people like Jogger are necessarily bent on undermining what we are trying to preach but certainly there is a reason that so many foreign teacher are complaining. Things happen for a reason. There is a reason why you see so many complaints on this board for so many schools.

#2 Parent HireEd - 2009-07-17
Re: Silverboy and Grovelling Weasels!

I think JoeBloggs offers some wise suggestions, at least in the beginning, but ultimately, I found these efforts (at least on my part) failed, because as Silverboy and SBG have stated, "Chinese will consider you 'soft'" and easily manipulated.

As far as contracts, my mantra soon became: "If I wouldn't sign/agree to that in my home country, then why should I agree to it in China?" The catch-all comeback "This is China," or stuff about cultural differences is baloney! Bad business is bad business no matter where it takes place.

#3 Parent SBG - 2009-07-16
Re: Silverboy and Grovelling Weasels!

I think your advice is not very usefull. A compliant attitude toward the Chinese will not get you anywhere, unless you want to become one of those pathetic "grovelling weasels". In many cases, being compliant can be counter-productive, the Chinese will think you are a soft touch and walk all over you.

"Give the Chinese an inch, and they will take a mile".

FT's will find themselves in trouble if they follow your advice. Better to stand up for yourself, be assertive and go on the offensive like Silverboy and other posters. Nobody should be compliant towards Chinese school owners and Chinese teachers, they do not deserve the respect of foreigners.

#4 Parent JoeBloggs - 2009-07-16
Re: Silverboy and Grovelling Weasels!

China is a breeze, people. After 5 years and 5 schools the only bad experiences were with summer camps.
Below is some no-brainer advice that has made my stay no more difficult than it should be.

Don't curse the students: No brainer I know but plenty of teachers do it.

Don't curse out the staff: Deal with your issues in a sensible manner. Hopefully in a similar way to which you'd do back in your own country.

Take your medication: It seems that for many, China is great place to start a fresh and go cold turkey.

Give advice but don't lecture: Many foreign teachers seem to think that local people like to have their country's drawbacks pointed out and thrown back at them at every opportunity.

Don't surrender any of your responsibility: They must get you the working visa and expert certificate but let them know that you want it back immediately after and take note of the expiry dates.

Be patient: On one occasion there was a mix-up which I didn't believe I was totally responsible for. I contacted my consulate who confirmed that I in fact was responsible. When I collected my final pay I was surprised to find that they'd doubled it. This more than compensated for the earlier loss and was in no way obligatory or expected.

Do a lesson plan: Students can tell if you've done some level of preparation and they'll thank you for it. This makes your life easier and you'll actually enjoy going to class.

My advice: Try to initially negotiate a six month contract and then renew for another six months if everything is going well. If you've done a half-way decent job they'll easily accept any amendments you suggest to the contract. Remember, the quality of foreign teacher in China is appallingly low so you have all the bargaining power.

Smartcat - 2009-07-14
Silverboy and Grovelling Weasels!

I would like to express my gratitude/ appreciation to Silverboy for all the hard work and research he does to protect fellow FT's from being exploited by unscrupulous employers in China.

He is truly a poster of the utmost integrity and honour. The EFL world is certainly fortunate to have this fine and highly experienced and talented teacher in the ranks. Silverboy clearly sees right through all the BULL***T and lies that the people who he calls the "grovelling weasels" try to impose on other honest posters like myself.

Silverboy, and also Turino and Turnoi, they are certainly worthy of much admiration. If there was a "noble prize" for guts and ethical behavior for teachers, these three posters would certainly be odds on favourites to win.

Once again Silverboy,thanks for your efforts, you fiancee is also very lucky to have you as her future husband.

I am sure you will have some more surprises in store for us in the future!

Posters, I think you should WATCH THIS SPACE!

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