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#1 Parent Anxious - 2009-07-20
Re: Lost passoprt, what to do?

I did as you say, but thanks for the condescension, and I did so before reading your superior down talking response, bad form buddy. Giving advice that's asked for does not give the right to be rude, though I'm not surprised.

I went to the police station, and was told to then go back to the PSB, where they said they will issue me a new visa "before" I get a new passport. I find this unusual, as they can do no such thing until I have actually gotten a new passport, is that not so?

Anyhow, when I went into the entry and exit bureau, I did this before I went to the police station simply because the one I had went to closest to where the Passport was nicked had no one who spoke English, as I said before the rude fellow assumed I had not. Anyhow, they treated me very poorly, grilling me about my visa, where I lived, who my visa sponsor was, why was I here, who did I work for, not one question about my passport, I felt like a criminal. Finally after some time of this I managed to have them contact an actual police station, where they took my report, and then sent me back to the entry and exit bureau, to do what, get a new visa without a passport. I did have a photo copy of both my visa and passport I had gotten in case anything like this every happened, but can they actually issue me anything like a visa before I get a new passport.

To the fellow who sent the condescending rude response, you need not reply again, your help is certainly not wanted.

#2 Parent HireEd - 2009-07-20
Re: Lost passoprt, what to do?

from dictionary.com:
con⋅stab⋅u⋅lar⋅y  /[kuhn-stab-yuh-ler-ee] noun, plural -lar⋅ies.

1. the body of constables of a district.
2. a body of officers of the peace organized on a military basis.

WOLF TOTEM gave you best advice possible at this point: TAKE A CHINESE FRIEND with you to the local authorities, inform them of your stolen passport, and "contact your consulate last is because they will not begin the paperwork for a new passport until/unless you have the PSB 'Statement of Loss of Passport' with you and are able to produce it for validation."

I think his advice and step-by-step procedure is abundantly clear. Get going... and stop waiting for more. Good luck!

#3 Parent WOLF TOTEM - 2009-07-20
Re: Lost passoprt, what to do?

I will go to entry and exit bureau, a police station is a police station I suppose.


I thought it would be wise to go to the local entry and exit bureau because most of the officers there speak English, and I can file a report at any PSB, yes? I also thought it would be wise because of the visa concern, kill two birds with one stone. I will go to entry and exit bureau,


Watch my lips. The PSB will not accept any information from you about your passport or visa without the paperwork/report from the local police station. You cannot just skip this step because you want to.....

You are putting the cart before the horse....it matters not what happens later. Nothing happens until you have filed a local police theft/loss report.

Forget the PSB.
Forget your Consulate.
Forget about your visa.

File the Damn Police Report at the station nearest where you believe your passport was lost/stolen. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS? Then go to the PSB with a copy of the report that you filed with the local cops. Lastly, go to the consulate of the country where your passport was issued with the PSB 'Statement of Loss of Passport.'

Fill out the consulate papers. You should have a new passport within ten days. When you have your new passport, return with it to your local PSB. Then, they will help you with your visa problems.

#4 Parent Anxious - 2009-07-20
Re: Lost passoprt, what to do?

Well I don't know what you mean by local constabulary, if you mean nearest Police station please say so. I thought it would be wise to go to the local entry and exit bureau because most of the officers there speak English, and I can file a report at any PSB, yes? I also thought it would be wise because of the visa concern, kill two birds with one stone. I will go to entry and exit bureau, a police station is a police station I suppose. I am simply fearful they will require me to leave the country or some such within 10 days, does anyone have any info on this?

#5 Parent WOLF TOTEM - 2009-07-19
Re: Lost passoprt, what to do?

You MUST file a report with the local constabulary stating that your passport has been stolen. This report will be filed at the police station closest to the area where your passport was stolen. Ask one of your Chinese friends to accompany you, you will need a translator. Don't forget to get a copy of this report. Then, go to the PSB with copy of police report in hand and file a 'Statement of Loss of Passport.' If the officials in your city are as slow as the ones where I live, this process will take from one to two working days. Again, I strongly suggest that you take your Chinese friend s with you. Then, contact your countries' consulate and file for a new passport.

I am unable to address specifics regarding your visa. When my passport was stolen, my visa was still valid for nearly six months. So, I did not have this concern. However, I think that you are worrying needlessly. The matter is out of your hands. Progress slowly and diligently, making certain that all steps and procedures are followed and all forms filled out correctly. Make at least six copies of all documents that are involved. Copy of lost passport, visa, photos, marriage certificate, other, all documents that pertain to your visit to, stay in China.

The reason you contact your consulate last is because they will not begin the paperwork for a new passport until/unless you have the PSB 'Statement of Loss of Passport' with you and are able to produce it for validation.

Finally, relax. You will not/can not help yourself by worrying yourself to death.

#6 Parent HireEd - 2009-07-19
Re: Lost passoprt, what to do?

Get to your nearest home country consulate, pronto. Local Chinese authorities cannot help you. Passport is techically speaking, the property of your home government. Good luck.

Anxious - 2009-07-19
Lost passoprt, what to do?

Hello all, as the subject says I have a big problem, basically my passport was stolen. I was on my way to leave China for a trip when it happened. After finding it missing I returned home thursday and began a thorough search, but could not find it, though I searched all day Friday. Saturday I went to a police station I knew of, but no one could speak a lick of English. I was not sure if the local entry and exit bureau was open on weekends so I am waiting until Monday the 20th to go in and speak with them, because I know they speak English there.

My question is, will I get in any trouble. You see I was leaving for a trip, and at the same time my visa expired the next day. Now I am without visa or passport. No it is not my fault I am still here, as some vagabond robbed me, or I was careless, hard to say. Anyhow, though not my fault, the visa that was in my passport expired Friday, am I in any trouble, and will they fine me even though I was robbed? I have a friend who said he was expelled and given a 10 day exit visa because his passport was robbed close to it's expiry date, and he was forced to return to his home country to get a new visa, though he first had to get a new passport here in China. This seems very strange and I am greatly worried. I am not so concerned about a new passport, s I have more then enough documentation to get another, but after what happened to my friend, I am forced to wonder if they care why you are still here, just that you are and your visa is expired. Any input on what I can expect, or do they have provisions in place for such things happening, and don't penalize people for such. To fill the coffers of China scruples and fairness seem to have little say.

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