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#1 Parent Theo - 2009-07-26
Re: Worst Boss in the World - watch illegal and rude firing on video

Hello, again, ANET and everyone. I just noticed that the thread I referred to in the earlier post (on the "other" ESL discussion website) has just been eliminated. I assume this was done by the moderators, as the discussion/debate had become quite heated, and downright vicious at times.

The OP has the ability to eliminate it also, but I seriously doubt that he chose to take down the thread. Must have been the moderators. So please, don't think that I was crazy (or dreaming) when you look for a thread that is no longer there.


#2 Parent Theo - 2009-07-25
Re: Worst Boss in the World - watch illegal and rude firing on video

Hi, ANET, and thanks for your support of, and contribution to the second edition of the Korea "Hall of Shame."

As for the series of videos involving Mr. Kim and his expat employee. The foreign teacher (Nick Mistretta) who made the video series as evidence, first posted them on the "other" ESL forum, and the discussion thread that resulted has become quite intense, and vicious at various points.

It's entitled "The truth about foreign teachers and hagwon owners," and I advise those who are tracking this story here, to join that conversation as well.

Best wishes, ANET!

#3 Parent ANET - 2009-07-25
Re: Worst Boss in the World - watch illegal and rude firing on video

Listen carefully to what the Korean boss says in this video.
"Go to the Court", "You have to solve this problem in Court".
This is one of the many delinquent hagwon bosses who is well aware of bias against foreign employees within the Korean judicial system. He has likely been there, bought his way through in Korean and expects to win this way again.
This is someone with powerful friends. The only way the teacher involved can win is with the help of Koreans who have more power than this hagwon boss has... and a reliable translator is a must.

#4 Parent Joseph T. - 2009-07-22
Worst Boss in the World - watch illegal and rude firing on video

English Channel JL Academy
Korean boss: Mr. Park
448-130 English Channel JL Academy
251 SR-Plaza 407 Sanghyundong
Suji, Yongin City, Kyung-gi do, Korea
eslguy - 2009-07-22
Another reasons why everyone should avoid Korea.
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