Return to Index › Kunshan International school - ESL discussion
#1 Parent Jacque - 2011-05-02
Re Kunshan International school - ESL discussion

I too had some bad experiences in China. I presently work at the school and I like it alot. The person you need to contact is Christian Lowry at christian [at] ksis.org.cn he will really tell it like it is. Tell him you heard from me.

#2 Parent Bob - 2009-08-08
Re: kunshan - Teachers discussion

Hi: I just visited the Kunshan International school this morning. It is closed right now and I did not do any more then walk around inside the Building. I am a scientist considering a job in Kunshan and I am looking for a good school for my daughter who is going into the sixth grade. The company that I am working for will arrange a meeting for me with the head master and possibly one of the american teachers if possible. The school appear to have two sights, one for native Chinese (looks very nice from the outside), and one for "foreigners" --according to the security guard. I will be glad to report when I know more. My wife is a very experienced teacher with a masters in writing and 25+ years experience in both alternative grade schools and at the University of Maine. So the place will have to pass muster with her before we send our daughter there. I was a little disappointed the class rooms were a bit dingy in spite of the beautiful exterior --that doesn't mean that it's not a good school. that depends on the teacher and the students (i.e. the parents of the students) --besides it is summer break and the class rooms were a bit torn apart. I didn't see any non-Asian students in any of the pictures so my guess is that the student are either returning Chinese or people from other Asian countries. I have been here for 10 days and I have not see one westerner -- not sure if that is good or bad.


#3 Parent ching - 2005-09-12
kunshan - Teachers discussion

I can't tell you how much i know about the school,
knowing only that it's one of the private schools in this booming city.
But I'm originally from this city and visited the city as recently as this summer. If you're interested
in the area in general, you can drop me a line in the addr listed. Or I might be able to calling around
for your worries.


#4 Parent Mark - 2005-08-17
Kunshan Int'l Schools - Teachers discussion

Hi Leon,

I have the same situation and same question with Kunshan actually. Can you tell me what you've found?


Leon - 2005-06-24
Kunshan International school - ESL discussion

Hello Fella teachers;

I have a jobed offered in Kunshan International school,this school seems pretty cool from its website,but I want to make sure before I go for it,I had enough bad experiences in China and I don't want to go through shit again.Any one who has worked in this school or know this school please give me some advice or information,I would really appreciate it.

Thank you so much in Advance.

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