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#1 Parent HireEd - 2009-08-08
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away

Your posts become more and more perplexing:

Daniel Tadd:

Not at any stage did I say NDI was good. Nor did I say it was bad. Nor did I directly say that any of your comments about NDI were "wrong". I simply said I have had a good experience with NDI and I'm loving it and I feel it's not a school that one should "stay away" from.

Uh, that's the most back-handed recommendation I've encountered in a very long time. In your rather bizarre attempts to defend your school/employer I think you've managed to just keep perspective newbies at bay all the more (which is a good thing).

I fail to understand/comprehend how any school that does not involve itself in obtaining (and funding) a Z visa for you, is worth defending in any way. I could go on and on, but I think your own series of posts speak for themselves. I have to assume you're the only FT currently at NDI that is "loving it." (You sound like the China McD's slogan!)

#2 Parent Daniel Tadd - 2009-08-08
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away

*sigh* This guy is like a heroine addict... he never gives up

And we've all encountered fine gentlemen like you before too. On countless forums; unsatisfied with life, content on blaming everyone and everything else for his own failings. You reek of arrogance and failure my good sir, refusing to acknowledge that another individual could perhaps be content and pleased with the ways of something you failed in and detest so. Get over it.

Not at any stage did I say NDI was good. Nor did I say it was bad. Nor did I directly say that any of your comments about NDI were "wrong". I simply said I have had a good experience with NDI and I'm loving it and I feel it's not a school that one should "stay away" from. (Is this another one of my techniques to come across as more believeable to the public?) Take a step back and think... do you really, really, really think I've been "planted" here? Seriously, on an internet forum? No.. Seriously? An NDI insider? Making up stories to be more believable? You know, they also say the human race is actually governed by a reptillian race.. I'm sure it's all linked somewhere.

You claim I speak BS? That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, but in the future when you talk to others, try not to be so full of anger and hatred. I guess if I was in your shoes I would probably take connections from your arrogance, anger and hatred directly to your teaching capabilities... but I'm not wearing your shoes, so I won't make that connection...


because your shoes smell.

I expect a full apology for your insulting remarks to me my young man, or else, I shall be calling your parents in the morning!

Daniel Tadd

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