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#1 Parent Chengdu FT - 2009-08-10
Re: teaching with no degree

I have met quite a few people in Sichuan province teaching without degrees.

From 99 to 2004 they were usually using fake degrees from Thailand.
Then the recruiters started helping out, and faking degrees and resumes.

In the last several years I have met a number of people teaching with Tesol diplomas and no degrees. They were on Z-visas. The usually got jobs at training centers or in junior high schools.

A junior high school would probably be the best in your situation. Generally 20 hours with no office hours (or very limited) In a training school you will have to work probably 40 hours a week, which won't leave much time to study.

Just make sure you get a z-visa out of them.

#2 Parent Theo - 2009-08-09
Re: teaching with no degree


it's Korea you have to worry about, there they will toss you in jail for 7 years.

Yep! Stay out of Korea -- degree or no degree -- the worst place for FTs!

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