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#1 Parent ANET - 2009-08-13
Re: Don't Teach in Korea.

Good advise eslguy.
I would add one thing. Reputable academies in South Korea sign with a company stamp in red ink.
The hiring officer of the school who stops at a handwritten signature has no intention of honoring the contract. (A fine example: Ahil English School).
Legally, handwritten signatures on employment contracts are worth nothing without that company stamp.
Having said that, I must add that, in some parts of Korea, with enough power or enough money, or enough juice cases, some authorities will accept anything.

eslguy - 2009-08-12
Don't Teach in Korea.


This linke provides some objective material, regarding the subject.

Helpful Tip #1.

Newbies, DON'T SIGN AN UNSIGNED CONTRACT. Make sure YOUR boss (noboby else) signs the contract first before you do............and intitials each page. Then, you do the same.

Helpful Tip #2.

If you find yourself in a jam with your employer .......and eventually, most of you will, make sure you record EVERYTHING he/she says on an Mp3 player.

Don't teach in Korea.


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