Return to Index › Re: Warning: APH Himeji, Japan Link
#1 Parent naganen - 2009-08-18
Re: Warning: APH Himeji, Japan Link

Well its clear that most of the people defending APH with arguments like "China is worse etc" didn't even mention Himeji APH or "Ms O."
I however have lived in Himeji for many years and the word on the street is not good about that school.
In fact one of my friends here used to work there.
He told me one time, the copier broke down and he was called in to try and fix it (hello not exactly in the job description of an ESL teacher) but it was a major problem and so when he couldn't she called the police to file a report that somebody must have broke in to the school and broken it.
That's story is second hand of course but would seem to be consistent with the pattern of behavior documented firsthand by other teachers.

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