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#1 Parent ANET - 2009-08-18
Re: YBM ECC Korea

If you really want to work in Korea, then I would recommend you check out Yale Foreign Language Institute in Daegu, Suseong-Gu. They have three schools in Daegu. There is another Yale Language School, not part of the same group. Stick to the one in Suseong-gu. It's the best one in Korea.
Upscale neighborhood. Wages good, accommodation great. It's a big school. The only problems that arise are disputes between foreign teachers because Yale employs many of them. If you are in Korea, go in person and speak directly to either Mrs. Kim or her husband Mr. Lee. Otherwise call and speak directly to them.
If you get sick, go to the hospital with a Korean friend who can speak for you.
AND Stay away from ULSAN!!!

#2 Parent snugglers - 2009-08-17
Re: YBM ECC Korea

thanks for the input. yes, i have read up on korea quite extensively. my main priority is finding something i can feel is stable. i'll take stability and knowing i will have my contract honored in a large chain before letting a recruiter place me in a shit situation. even if it's less pay at least i know i will get it without a hassle. i feel most of the recruitment positions i've been offered are BS or carry the potential of large headaches with them. it seems that with the recession there is an influx of just general college grads trying to work in korea that know little about the esl industry and will take anything, whereas my degree is in english and i have a tesol certificate. in other words, it's what i actually want to do and i know a bit about the industry.

i've gotten the sense from some recruiters that they are absolutely baffled when you don't take or jump at the first job they contact you with. it seems with the recession they too feel people will take anything and many seem to think they can advertise positions as the only available. my main priority in light of this is something stable, and ybm ecc seems to have their shit together in that regard. 2.2 million won a month for a situation with no recruiter involved in a company branch vs. 2.4 million won placed by a recruiter in who knows what i basically consider a comfort tax at this point. interviewing with an HR representative as opposed to the teacher trying to find a replacement is a bit more comforting as well.

anyway, thanks again for the input. i've heard some negative things about ecc, but it seems to come from franchised schools and not the company branches which appear to hold on to more teachers for second years than any other company i have researched. it's hard to find super positive reviews of any school, but ybm ecc seems to have the least negative attention out there.

#3 Parent ANET - 2009-08-17
Re: YBM ECC Korea

I do. I worked for ECC many years ago when they required that teachers share accommodation. They are stable. The pay is usually lower than many other schools, but they pay correctly on time.
ECC managers usually understand their responsibility as guarantors and will assist FT with Immigration and health issues where many hagwons will not.
Having stated that, I will suggest you read previous postings on this webpage about the hazards of working in Korea.

snugglers - 2009-08-16

Just wondering if anyone has experience with YMB ECC in Korea.

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