Return to Index › I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp)
#1 Parent ANET - 2009-11-18
Re: I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp)

Thank you for coming forward. Bad Koreans give all Koreans a bad name.
The NGO did fight the corruption, superstition and mistreatment of foreign teachers but it lost its power when the current President took over in 2008. I did meet some generous and kind Koreans but I too went through hell and I posted about it along with warnings that recommendations on the Green List are often posted by teachers turned recruiters.
Keep warning other teachers in the interest of the ESL community.

#2 Parent Yellow Sam - 2009-11-18
Re: I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp)

Frankly speaking, I've been through hell there too! I hate the arrogance and deceit of its people, though there are some exceptions I met who are not employed in the field of education. The Korean government has a duty to do something to improve the lot of migrant workers there, and to jail dishonest hagwon directors. That country is the pits for foreign teachers of English. Do yourself a big favor, avoid teaching in Korea.

By contrast, China is a great deal better, but it is by no means perfect. At least a foreigner can go out for a walk holding hands with an attractive native woman in a short skirt without causing a brawl to break out, or being the target of stones, thrown by envious male troublemakers.

#3 Parent Frank - 2009-11-17
Re: I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp)



I would advise anyone and everyone to stay away from South Korea!
just flat out stay away!

Upon my arrival the school manager held piece of paper in his hand with
my name on it and crumpled up into a ball right in front of me.
Then took me to my apartment where it was next to a hospital
incinerator... YES... can you beleive it?
Then the apartment had no gas ... so i had to eat out for 3 weeks ...
costing me a small fortune... and then ... they took away my
lunch breaks, made me do janitorial work... after my arrival
they also kept asking me how much money I have...

I also caught the school going into my apartment without my permission,
having a bad feeling I put down white powder onto the floor...
I was hurt at work from a Student and ws taken to a hospital ..
they took x rays and then said ... these x rays don't tell if there
are cracks ... and I told them I think there is a crack... before the x
ray ... and then they told me there was no insurance... that I had to
pay myself ... they told me I had insurance through the company
and then said ... well actually for the first month or 2 you have no insurance...

they never told me that ... they told me the moment I land in Korea I have insurance...
I clarified that prior to my leaving ...

Then I cancelled my contract ... and then ... they refused to give me the letter of
permission ... I just got there! Then I go to the Immigration Office and he
just left me there after the contract was cancelled... I found a new school...
then ... they made me sleep on the floor with no blankets ... the school was called
TARA ENGLISH in Chanan Asan... the Principle there is named Grace with her brother
being a complete disrespectful person ... he was the one who forced me to stay on the
floor ... the decond day I demanded bedding ... they finally gave it to me... I just left after 2 days ...

Then the schoold in Seoul were worste... they had sub standard housing ... and people telling
half truths ...

The school was called B.R. English in Daegu... they are not a good school... they also asked us
to do fake marking ... when a Student brings in their homework ... they ask us to pretend to
mark but they really do not do correcting but put a circle on the page. Also ... ask them to do
audio homework but nobody listens to the homework and then returns the work to the Student
making them believe they were marked...

There is more ... alot more ... but would rather not get into it... but you all got the just ...
In the end ... I lost 4,500 CDN, the Canadian Embassey even never helped me I had to go to Britain
to force Canada to help me ... then ... I lost my credit rating because of it...

Well... in a nut shell ... avoid Korea like the plague ... they are a not a pleasant society...

All the best,


#4 Parent Von - 2009-09-19
Re: I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp)

Everything that happens is neutral. Just a situation. You feel good or bad because you attach meaning to that situation. When something seemingly bad happens, it's just a situation. Don't call it good or bad. See it for what it is, a situation. Creating stories, creating feelings about it will make you feel worse. Just stay neutral about it.

#5 Parent Seoulman - 2009-09-19
Re: I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp)

I suggest you seek professional help (a doctor). Your justify dislike for the Koreans that cause you so much pain could be only the last drop in a glass already full. Trying to get sympathy won't help you - Please remember that the power to heal comes from within.

Wishing you all the best and get well soon!

Bob - 2009-09-15
I am becoming a bitter racist! Help! (bad Korea exp)

I had a pretty bad experience in Korea. I got royally shafted financially by both schools I worked for (as well as one in China) and lost a TON OF MONEY! I also wasn't too thrilled about the way some of the natives in Korea treated foreigners. I am from LA and live amongst hundreds of thousands of Koreans. Some of the brilliant minds over at dave's love to say that us whiteys are now getting a taste of our own medicine by finally being on the receiving end of racism, rather than being the perpetrators. Their logic is that now that we have experienced it we will be more kind to recent immigrants in our own countries.

Um, I don't think so. Yeah, at least 20 Korean men either physically challenged me, spit on me, or called any woman I happened to be near a traitor and a whore for being with a foreigner. Anyways the list goes on and on. I have always been nice to all people and I am still nice to most people, except Koreans, or anyone who even remotely looks Korean. In fact, I am just waiting until some ajosshi tries to pull a tough guy routine on me here in the states. You see where I am going with this hate.....?

I know I can't generalize like that. Furthermore, I know that this bitterness is only hurting myself. Can anyone relate to this? I know there a tons of people who have left Korea with a bad taste in their mouths. Were you bitter? If so, how did you get beyond it? Perhaps we can start a disgruntled ex Korea teacher support group! I mean, I have talked to tons of people about this but the only people who truly understand and know how awful it can be are people who have actually been in a similar situation there.

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