Return to Index › RE: How necessary is a BA for getting ESL work in South Korea, Taiwan or Japan?
#1 Parent ANET - 2009-09-30
Re: RE: How necessary is a BA for getting ESL work in South Korea, Taiwan or Japan?

CELTA, like TESOL and TEFL certificates are an asset, but in South Korea, the Department of Immigration requires a 4 year BA minimum. Universities and Colleges generally require a Master's Degree. At least for hagwons you also have to produce other documentation.
As I recall Japanese Immigration also requires at least an undergraduate degree.
Whatever you do, try to avoid working in Ulsan, South Korea. There are some serious work place problems in that area. For more information, read the earlier postings on this page and on the School Reviews page as well, about the hazards of working in Korea if you happen to sign a contract with a less than reputable school.

Lauren - 2009-09-28
RE: How necessary is a BA for getting ESL work in South Korea, Taiwan or Japan?

Hi all

My question is getting many varied and conflicting responses - hopefully someone on this forum can help.

I am a South African interested in teaching in South Korea, Taiwan or Japan. I have recently completed a CELTA qualification and have a National Diploma in Journalism from The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth, SA. My question is this: I do not have a BA (my university qualification is equivalent to one though by SA standards - a 3 year course), do I require an actual BA to get legal ESL teaching work in any of these countries? If I do, will my CELTA qualification stand me in any good steed instead? If not, what, if any, are my options?

Any information/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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