Return to Index › Happy Birthday, Zhongguo
#1 Parent Wang Ba Dan - 2009-10-02
Re: Happy Birthday, Zhongguo

Godson of China do not exist and is only in head of foreigner they do not know Chinese culture.
Respect China, respect culture of China, do not say wrong thing!

#2 Parent Monitor - 2009-10-01
Re: Happy Birthday, Zhongguo

I reckon the USA has left itself little room to maneouvre with China re any controversial political and economic issues that might arise. Why is this? It's on account of the foreign and economic policies that were instigated by George W, America's prodigal son, which have allowed the Chinese state to amass so many US dollars that it could plunge the good ole USA into deep recession by selling them at any time it deems such action necessary. As around 70% of world trade is attributable to the USA, the knock-on effect of China shedding its US dollars would be a severe global recession. Needless to say, Western politicians are not eager to talk about this in public as they will make themselves unpopular with their electorates by doing so.
China will continue to have many happy birthdays due to its bargaining power on the world stage as a result of its US dollar holdings!

#3 Parent Godson of China - 2009-10-01
Re: Happy Birthday, Zhongguo

Native son, you have written a wonderful and rousing piece that confirms your steadfast patriotism for your fatherland. Your government is the envy of the rest of the world. Your homeland will become mightier and mightier thanks to you and your fellow patriots. The unity of you and your fellow citizens will make your country number one on the world stage. Many more happy birthdays await your country. No doubt about it!

#4 Parent Turino - 2009-09-30
Re: Happy Birthday, Zhongguo

Happy birthday,Zhongguo,whose people and foreign friends should never,never forget your saviour and founder,Chairman Mao,who defeated the Japanese invaders against all the odds while the rest of the world did little to assist China in her greateast hour of need!

#5 Parent Non-native son - 2009-09-30
Re: Happy Birthday, Zhongguo

This pathetic text written by a "native son"? May be by someone who pretends to be a "native son".
Hard to believe that a native Chinese would ever post such a text, full of ambitious imperialist and nationalist superiority nuances. Native Chinese people are not as stupid as that to give their nation a bad name publicly.
A fantasy product created in the brain of a foreign teacher in China who writes "honor" instead of "honour" and is thereby outing himself as an American.
Since when is an American a "native son of China"? That person must have got something wrong, perhaps after drinking a bit too much in a pub.

Native Son - 2009-09-30
Happy Birthday, Zhongguo

Sixty years. Happy birthday.

You've come a long way in a short time. To me, not surprisingly. Your history is a long and storied one. From the killing fields of dynastic despots to the skyscrapers of the twenty-first century, your past has been fraught with trial, tribulation, peril and despair. You defied all - you survived. You survived.

Now, you as you embark upon a journey to become perhaps the most influential and powerful nation on earth; make your ancestors proud of your efforts - perform admirably; act wisely, with diligence and conviction, never forgetting that you owe your ascendancy to those who have sacrificed and forfeited life that you might excel.

Do not listen to those who decry your victories and make disparaging remarks concerning your achievements. The naysayers want to hold you down, keep you in your place, and deny you the glory that you have earned for your nation. Remember those who have sacrificed - those who have permitted and endured so much personal injury for your future, uncomplainingly - patiently, tolerantly. Bestow upon them the belated glory that they so richly deserve. Honor your forefathers.

The time is right - the time is now. Do not go silently into the night; but, pull aside this dark shroud and enter with a burst of incendiary brilliance, colorfully and magnificently, light the way for the world in a time of darkness.

May you lead for a thousand lifetimes.

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