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#1 Parent Monitor - 2009-10-16
Re: Looking....

Most of them are non-native speakers of English, or semi-literate native speakers of English. In spite of their iffy written English, some lucky ones will get teaching posts in China, working for employers who need 'white monkeys' to dupe Chinese students.

I think my original post, quoted above, is in agreement with what you, Simple Guy, say, regarding 'some native speakers', quoted below. Compare them, and you'll see!

Hi Monitor, don't generalize. coz there are some native speakers who does not even know how to spell words they utter and grammar even.

#2 Parent Simple Guy - 2009-10-15
Re: Looking....

Hi Monitor, don't generalize. coz there are some native speakers who does not even know how to spell words they utter and grammar even.

#3 Parent Monitor - 2009-10-13
Re: Looking....

Most of them are non-native speakers of English, or semi-literate native speakers of English. In spite of their iffy written English, some lucky ones will get teaching posts in China, working for employers who need 'white monkeys' to dupe Chinese students.

ex_TC Teacher - 2009-10-12

Looking at the resume section, I can't help but feel sorry that an over whelming number of job seekers have not mastered simple things like punctuation, spaces after punctuation and the next word, capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, and so on.

Are most of them Chinese student imposters?


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