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#1 Parent Banana - 2010-08-08
Re: Australia's Connection

50% has always been the passing grade in Australia. So your point is invalid. I started school in Victoria in 1964. So I can personally confirm this has been the case for 46 years. It leads me to doubt your educational expertise, as you don't seem to understand that all grading is relative, as is the pass mark. That said, I am not disputing the likelihood that standards have fallen in Australia.

#2 Parent Global Study Talk - 2009-11-02
Re: Australia's Connection

I don't agree that Value of Australian degrees are going down the toilet. Australian degrees (bachelor degrees awarded by universities) still have lot of value in Asian countries as well as other parts of the world.See the latest TIME rankings and you
will see 8 universities are in top 100 worldwide.

You hear the news because Australian government actually crackdown these colleges unlike our Asian colleges which actually does nothing so no one knows what actually is happening.Also please don't be mistaken about universities to the private colleges.And even colleges are not that bad as it looks .Some of the private colleges like billy blue, SAE, Carrick, Le Corden have worldwide reputation.


#3 Parent KJK - 2009-10-31
Australia's Connection

Why is Australia not donig anything about this problem?

Australia is one of the most popular countries to go to for Chinese students because Australia has become hooked on the big dollars being paid by the Chinese to attend the universities and colleges in Australia. Ausralia has lowered it standards to the point that now a 50% is a passing grade. Many countries in the west will not not accept job applications from people with Australian degrees. So education in Autralia is going the same route as education in China. Down the toilet!

Canada is thinking about going the same route as this is a very easy way to bring in off shore money into the country. So I feel that we all need to watch the education systems at home as well as those of other countries that we are trying to work in as ESL teachers

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