Return to Index › Under-fire Education Minister
#1 Parent KJK - 2009-11-03
Under-fire Education Minister

But really in a country the size of China how can one man make the needed changes that is going to turn around a department that is riddled with so much coruption. Very rarely even in Canada or any other western country can one minister make the needed changes in a gov't department. Very few people in gov't are held accountable for their actions. Very rarely do we ever see minsters step down or get replaced for the right reasons. It is usually to save gov't face that a minster steps down!

Removing this man will not do anything to help the education system in China. It is too big a problem. There is too much money to be made at local, provincal, national levels through taking kick backs etc to want changes. Most of the head masters at the schools and universities in China are there because of a friend not there because they are an educator. It is very rarely that you will see one interested in imporvving the education system but this is not to say that every is totally corupt. It is hard to find the real educators inthe Chinese education system but there is the odd one. Good luck the the honest admin staff in China.

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