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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-11-26
Re: Help getting into ESL teaching

...finish the University first. the better jobs are given to people with University Degrees. Yes, you can get a job and live in a crap hole and make a can of peas last for two days but who wants to.

Foreign teachers with or without degrees teaching in China are almost always well-paid so long as they are white and native speakers of English. As a matter of fact, they are generally paid twice the salary of their Chinese colleagues. And unlike the latter, their accommodation is almost always rent-free and relatively well-furnished. More likely than not, there will also be an internet connection, and a desktop computer. What you have stated re 'a can of peas' is misleading. As for what you say about 'living in a 'crap hole', do you mean living in a third-tier city of China? Nothing wrong with that, as it's the real China, as opposed to the big population centers full of false people trying to keep up with the Joneses. Just like me, many of my fellow foreign teachers in China dislike the big cities here. Better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small one in a big pond.
As for Korea, well, that's a completely different kettle of fish, and one that does not attract many old hands here, including myself.

#2 Parent gharwell1 - 2009-11-26
Re: Help getting into ESL teaching

First of all..... finish your University Degree before you consider getting into teaching English.
That's it... finish the University first. the better jobs are given to people with University Degrees. Yes, you can get a job and live in a crap hole and make a can of peas last for two days but who wants to.

#3 Parent peter shell - 2009-11-23
Re: Help getting into ESL teaching

The only qualifications you need to get a job in Korea is a university with some field related to English.
It sounds like your degree would be fine.
The starting pay is usually around $2000 a month, you will be provided a furnished apartment (usually small) and a round trip airfare (half on arrival, half on completion of a 1 year contract).
If you check out some ESL jon boards you will get all the info you're looking for.
A lot of people become ESL teachers with zero teaching experience and no CELTA/TEFL qualifiation.
I would recommend doing a course before though cos it makes it so much easier when you find yourself in a classroom.
It is a relatively easy profession to join.
Hope you enjoy it!

#4 Parent Sufficiently Jaded - 2009-11-23
Re: Help getting into ESL teaching

Have pulse, white skin? Will travel.

That's all you need to teach ESL in China. If you want to go to Korea, you need a degree as well. China says you do, but lots of crap schools don't require one.

Truth is a degree is easy to come by here ;)

I'd suggest another line of work though, because pay and working conditions are not good, unless you teach in Europe, and even than you may get shafted.

My advice, stay home, find another career path.

Nicholas - 2009-11-21
Help getting into ESL teaching

I'm writing to ask what the minimum requirements are to become an ESL teacher. In my 1st 3 years of a bachelor's degree I was required to take English courses. I did very well in them and have one some minor literary awards for my writing. Is their a course you can take that would get your foot in the door? Can I volunteer on the net, through Skype perhaps, to get experience?

What are the hourly salary expectations of someone who gets TESOL certification or the 6 week course. How long does it take? Does anyone offer the certification over the net? I'd appreciate it if you could answer, or suggest someone who can answer any of these questions. T.I.A.


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