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#1 Parent ANET - 2009-12-01
Re: prescriptions

Jennifer, in the larger cities, if they don't have the exact medicine, they would have an equivalent. Major hospitals, connected to universities, usually have an International Clinic where English speaking medical staff can help you. Medicine in Taiwan is quite advanced. You might not be able to read your prescription though.
If you search the Internet before you get there, you may find an International Clinic near your destination.
Good Luck.

Jennifer - 2009-11-28


I am leaving to teach in Taiwan in February. I am a bit concerned though because I am currently on a prescriptiion for my heart and was wondering if they have the same prescription drugs as we do oversees?? Is there something I should be doing or somewhere I should be contacting?? Sorry this is my first time teaching abroad.

Thx =)

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