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#1 Parent Sandra - 2009-12-09
Re: Who knows smth about IELTS Teacher Training courses???

thanks for your reply, englishgibson!
yeah, I just want to prepare Chinese students for this exam. I don't want to be an examiner.

#2 Parent englishgibson - 2009-12-06
Re: Who knows smth about IELTS Teacher Training courses???

you'll have to face the british counsil music. you'll have to provide them with some adult teaching/placement testing experience and with your current employer in china as the BC does not arrange your visas. depending on whether you are interested in the writing or speaking part, you'll be asked for some specialty skills. say for example, in speaking you'll have to demonstrate your social skills ability to conduct the interviews. then, you'll have to accomplish a training that usually and according to my knowledge is in beijing. you'll have to pass their exams as well. ohh, some've been asked for the original of their BA or MBA.
however, if you just want to do the mock exams and/or prepare the students for these exams, you won't have to go over such an ordeal. many schools carry IELTS courses.
cheers and beers

Sandra - 2009-12-06
Who knows smth about IELTS Teacher Training courses???

Hello guys,
I am interested in getting IELTS Teacher Training Certificate! Who knows smth about IELTS Teacher Training courses??? any info will be appreciated.

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