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#1 Parent Jacques Pierre James - 2009-12-10
Re: Racism in China

I am most certainly not a recruiter. I'm an American teaching in Zhuhai.

#2 Parent Balderdash - 2009-12-09
Re: Racism in China

Your name is familiar Jaques, aren't you a recruiter in China?

#3 Parent Jacques Pierre James - 2009-12-07
Re: Racism in China

Completely in agreement with that assessment; thanks for the info. I'll search for more details about the "China Center for International Education Exchange"; they also sound pretty sleazy.

#4 Parent Adam Prendergast - 2009-12-07
Re: Racism in China

The quote below the link was taken from the link -


PGA is an international course suitable for Chinese High School students co-developed by the China Center for International Education Exchange and the United States, ACT Education Solutions, Limited (AES) through introduction of multi-national international course systems. The PGA program consists of a modified and embedded GAC curriculum, designed specifically for Chinese students, and delivered over the last three years of high school concurrently with the local curriculum. Launched in 2007, CCIEE now manages nine PGA teaching centers catering to students across China. All these teaching centers are locally key schools or model schools.

Well,well,well! not only is the Project of Global Access (PGA) placing racist advertisements for foreign teachers online, but it seems that they are prepared to milk China's rich cadres by offering a special version, or should I say, a watered-down one, 'suitable' for the spoiled sons and daughters of wealthy Chinese. PGA should be closed down a s a p. Racist scammers like that have no business being providers of education in this globalised world. They're another shonky training center! Even worse, a racist one when it comes to hiring teachers! Give PGA a wide berth if you're a teacher or an English learner!

#5 Parent Jacques Pierre James - 2009-12-07
Re: Racism in China

An amazing story. Those heroic actions reinforce my belief that moral conscience still thrives, with the strength to overcome greed and ignorance.

#6 Parent Jacques Pierre James - 2009-12-07
Re: Racism in China

The website is "Angelina's ESL Cafe", and here are some of the advertisements:
I believe the offending organization is called 'Project of Global Access'. I can't be certain in what capacity they carrying out their mission (recruiter or employer, or both), but I would guess the client schools are complicit in the scheme/design of candidate search.

#7 Parent Suky - 2009-12-07
Re: Racism in China

This racism thing has been going on for donkey years in China.
I had the same experience a few years back when I was in Wuhan. A new language school sent me an email and invited me over to the school. When I arrived there were six others and we were ushered to have lunch with the owner. We were having a nice conversation when the owner told us that he was looking for 6 foreign teachers. We were shocked when he said "Our school is only looking for white native English Speakers from Europe (France, Germany, Sweden etc. )

The seven of us looked at each other and started laughing. What the owner didn't know was that the seven of us met once during a Xmas party a few months back.

The owner had a rude shock when the seven of us stood up, toasted him and walked ( 2 American guys, an Aussie, a British lady, an African, a French lady and me).

The best part was of it all was when the French lady said " A toast to your Native English speakers from Germany, Sweden and to my native English speaking France"

#8 Parent englishgibson - 2009-12-06
Re: Racism in China

the job advert is a shame on whatever site has allowed it in. it's also ironic that an educational institution would discriminate in such a way in public. i bet they've got a simmilar academic program that i've been teaching. imagine, once this teacher gets a job and teaches his/her students about prejudice and discrimination in this school's classrooms. a real question over such school raises and that if they prepare their studnets for abroad studies and whether they'll actually want to send these students to any of the english speaking countries that're full of all kinds of people.

cheers and beers to my white visa officer on the consulate :)

#9 Parent Jacques Pierre James - 2009-12-06
Re: Racism in China

There might be laws, but no one enforces them. Also, this kind of advertisement is quite common throughout Asia.

#10 Parent Turino - 2009-12-05
Re: Racism in China

The number of students in every teaching center will not more than 25. All the students are senior high school students, about 16-18 years old.
Requirements of foreign teachers: Native English speaker, white people, BA or MA, relevant teaching experience. TEFL certificate preferred.

If that's not blatant and unashamed racism in a job advertisement,then I'm a Chinaman who has arrived here on a slowboat to China!I dunno if there are any laws against racism in China,but if there are,said advertisement clearly breaches one of them.That ad is an absolute disgrace in my opinion!

#11 Parent Jacques Pierre James - 2009-12-05
Re: Racism in China

Define racism? This is racism:

Project of Global Access
At present, we need Language foreign teachers for the teaching centers in Chengdu, Xinjiang, Hefei and Zhengzhou. Additional, we need one science teacher which can teach math, science and computer class in each teaching center in Beijing, Chengdu and Suzhou.
The number of students in every teaching center will not more than 25. All the students are senior high school students, about 16-18 years old.
Requirements of foreign teachers: Native English speaker, white people, BA or MA, relevant teaching experience. TEFL certificate preferred.

This job vacancy announcement is posted on a popular job site. Quite a few announcements discriminate in the same way.
Was that in your dictionary?
#12 Parent Jerome - 2009-07-02
Re: Racism in China

An excellent and informative post, WT. Thanks!

#13 Parent WOLF TOTEM - 2009-07-02
Re: Racism in China

Neither yourself nor I or any other person that has posted on this board is qualified to speak directly to the subject. You are entitled, at THEY say, to your opinion. But your conclusions are founded on incorrect, biased, prejudiced and yes, even racist information that you are too ignorant to recognize.

Yes but let's be honest, the Chinese are more racist, due to the isolationism.
Isolationism can be, and often is a condition that gives rise to racism. However, by no means is isolationism the sole contributing factor to racism. Further, one must have a working definition of racism - one that is agreeable to the participants in a forum discussion - before a discussion can be held. Otherwise, everyone is all over the map with their own quirky little experiences in China that they consider 'racist,' when racism was not a factor. Additionally, bias, prejudice, discrimination are components of racism but do not by themselves constitute racism.

Allow me this opportunity to open your eyes to the 'world of racism' by inserting a Wikipedia list of types of acknowledged or alleged racism.

    * Anti-Semitism and New anti-Semitism.* Apartheid * Black supremacy* Caste system
    * Colorism* Cultural genocide* Ethnic cleansing* Eurocentrism* Genocide* Institutionalized Racism* Interracial fetish* Model Minority* Nazism* Racial purity* Racial segregation* Redlining* Reverse discrimination or reverse racism* Scientific racism* State racism* Systemic racism* White flight* White man's burden* White privilege* White supremacy
    * Yellow peril

To this we can add

Historical racism

* based on lineage and common decent; it identifies a population with a common origin in history, but not a population with a fixed biological character; used to define nation states in Europe; expressed through national symbols, such as Nazi eagle, Aryan cross; believed in superiority of some nations over others

New Racism

* no longer any biological notion to indicate cultural or other inferiorities; not necessarily an assumption of inferiority or superiority; new expressions, such as immigrants, integration, cultural values, hide the racist sub-text in our culture.

Want to muddy the waters even more.....

Mark Halstead, Education, Justice, and Cultural Diversity: An Examination of the Honeyford Affair, 1984-85 (London: Falmer Press, 1988)

    Pre-reflective Gut Racism

    Post-reflective Gut Racism

    Cultural Racism

    Institutional Racism

    Paternalistic Racism

    Color-Blind Racism

Now we can talk about racism.

These people still stare at foreigners like they are two headed zombies from another planet, you don't get that anywhere else.

You're wrong. I've spent many years in the Middle East, North Africa and other countries and I have indeed, been stared at in the same manner that you have described. Here, you are merely inserting your own feelings and attributing this, perhaps, uncomfortable and unwelcome attention from the Chinese and attaching the 'label' of racism to it without any foundation whatsoever that racism is involved.

Why there are so many China apologists on this board I'll never know.

I put it to you that having a fruitful discussion on Chinese Racism on this board is impossible. Take note - you've already begun name calling and labeling without any information about myself. Also, this statement is, by itself, proof that you do no want nor are you capable of an intelligent conservation on the subject. Best let well enough alone.

No, America is not even close to being as racist as China. No other countries do not match the kind of racism you have here, and saying they do will not make it so.

You are defending American racism because you feel that Chinese racism is worse.....it this what I am to take from this sentence. That's a tough sell, buddy.

When China is an open society with foreigners being a common, welcome site, where no one stares at you like you were an Alien, then we can discuss things again. When the Chinese stop believing they are superior to other races, though there is no such thing as races, then we can talk again.

This little jewel tells me that no good will come from any discussion about Chinese racism with yourself.

And, finally, this from you;

I would have to say wolf totem that you views seem based as much on arrogance as anything else, and I must say China is the only country of many which I've been to where I am treated so poorly based upon my skin color. Spout all the nonsense you want, your words are merely opinion, I know from personal experience you are wrong, and I am right.

Who is the arrogant one here......

IF you truly want to have a discussion on racism in China, define racism for me. Then, define Chinese Racism. Perhaps, one can then begin to talk about ideas, experiences and emotions that might be considered as racist. Until this obstacle has been removed, any posts are pointless - useless to anyone who might want to learn something about racism in China.

When next you Dither, PidderPadder, get beyond a knee jerk reaction before you pull the trigger on your posts. You could have saved everyone some time by not posting generalities.

Have a nice day.

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