Return to Index › What are the benefits of marrying a Chinese woman?
#1 Parent Jock Millar - 2010-03-06
Re: What are the benefits of marrying a Chinese woman?

Yes, the visa offices of most Western countries will grant foreign spouses of their own citizens tourist visas if there is a child involved. But if there is no child, a foreigner cannot automatically take his Chinese spouse to his homeland for a vacation. Huh!
No need for apologies - you're not the one who made up those crappy immigration rules!

#2 Parent englishgibson - 2010-03-06
Re: What are the benefits of marrying a Chinese woman?

Jock, sorry, not privileges but "humanitarian grounds" which Chinese officials are somewhat unfamiliar with.
Cheers and beers to "propagating" your planet favors as well as forums views :)

#3 Parent Jock Millar - 2010-03-05
Re: What are the benefits of marrying a Chinese woman?

Kids of foreigners in China means visa privileges back home? Who said that foreigners who marry Chinese need kids? Not me! I dislike kids - I'm too old -crying babies, no thanks! I'm doing the planet a favor in not propagating myself - you can take that two ways! Those foreigners who wanna take their Chinese wives back home, as their priority, should produce a kid! That's the regs! So.do it to get what you want, put yourself and your Chinese first!

#4 Parent englishgibson - 2010-03-05
Re: What are the benefits of marrying a Chinese woman?

Jock, if our kids born in China got our countries' citizenships here, i'd have a hard time believing that our countries would not accept the mothers of our kids just like that as you are saying. In Canada, there are applications based on "humanitarian grounds", not just the funds we have to prove we can take care of them. So, if there're obstacles to our lovely wives applications, they most likely are within the borders of the 60 years old country called peoples republic. I agree that our foreign offices are unfair too, although they at least have some heart (in case of the Canadian one) rather than excuses of no funds to support oneself, or the peoples one that there are too many people in the country. Ohh, we also tend to make sense quite a bit more than the Chinese Foreign Affairs Bureau when it comes to the regulations.

On the topic;

The benefits of marrying Chinese women?
a)i have a lovely son b)i have an in country hussle free assistance 24/7 c)i have an apparent chance to apply for a limited spousal L visa d)i've got someone to play tennis with as my wife's pretty good at it e)i have someone to help me understand some local media outlets out of which at times i learn what i should eat/do or what i should not...last week the hainan green beans loaded with chemicals were to stay away from and the CCTV wouldn't say a word on that :)

Cheers and beers to our lovely Chinese wives that more often are helpful than not

#5 Parent Jock Millar - 2010-03-04
Re: What are the benefits of marrying a Chinese woman?

Try taking your Chinese wife back to your homeland with you for a vacation. More likely than not, you and she will undergo a grilling by the visa clerk at the visa office in Beijing. If you don't own property in your homeland nor have proof of a job to go to there nor have a very fat bank account, chances are she'll be turned down, and in any case her visa application fee is non-refundable. Same applies if she applies for a two-year residency, but the fee in that case is much heftier. Let's be aware that our own foreign offices are unfair too, not just the Chinese Foreign Affairs Bureau. I'd even go so far to suggest that our visa offices are very unfair. At least, Chinese visa offices only charge visa applicants vus fees if they provide them with visas, not if such applications are rejected! That said, there are a few Western countries with enlightened governments whose visa offices don't practise racism nor apply means tests to visa applicants nor automatically pocket all visa application fees in this globalised world in which it has been made much easier for products to cross international borders than people.
The benefits of marrying Chinese women? I can think of many, but I won't go into details here! But some readers would disagree with me. And some of them would say that there are no benefits whatsoever marrying any woman, be she Chinese or not!

#6 Parent Birdman - 2010-03-04
Re: What are the benefits of marrying a Chinese woman?

No Benefit.. You can be thrown away back to where u come from one day by the govt for minor immigration offence..

In my experience, you can be 'requested to exit the country'. Exit to the nearest neighboring country with your marriage certificate. Apply for a Chinese L there to visit your Chinese spouse, Then re-enter. A hell of a lot cheaper to go to the likes of Ulanbatar ny train than fly back to the USA, for example. Besides, you can kill two birds with one stone by turning your visa run into a vacation!

#7 Parent razor - 2010-03-04
Re: What are the benefits of marrying a Chinese woman?

No Benefit.. You can be thrown away back to where u come from one day by the govt for minor immigration offence.. I lived in china for 5 yrs, and hv friends who married chinese, they hv been in china for over 10 yrs or almost, with kids, yet, they cant get Parmanent residence.

#8 Parent HireEd - 2009-12-11
Re: What are the benefits of marrying a Chinese woman?

From what I understand (not having actually married a Chinese woman), yes, there are some benefits in terms of visas, etc., but I also understand from knowing a number of expats who married Chinese women, there can also be "hell to pay" when seeking divorce, etc. in Chinese courts. The Chinese spouse has the "upper hand" by a long shot. Chinese courts are not sympathetic to expats.

Best to marry for true love (in my opinion). Find other means to obtain visas and such.

Migrant Worker - 2009-12-11
What are the benefits of marrying a Chinese woman?

I am not talking about personality or traits, I am talking about the diplomatic benefits. If you were to marry a Chinese women I was told that you are allowed to get a one year renewable residencial visa, that does not need to be sponsored by a company. The expensive is your own at about 800RMB.

After 5-years of marriage you are allowed to obtain a 10 year renewable visa, yet I am told this kind of visa is much more difficult.

I heard this information through a few people but no official source. Can anyone confirm these sentiments? Is this true?

Does marrying a Chinese women or man provide any sort of benefits to venture to or live in China?



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