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#1 Parent Lexicographer - 2005-03-05

> If a 'white' loses because a non-white raises his voice against
> racism and passportism,

I've categorically stated previously that "passportism" is not a word. It was not accepted. It was rejected. It is not in my lexicon.
Don't use this word again.

#2 Parent writpetition - 2005-03-04
Truth hurts...

> Jack,

> You're a bozo.

Sure, says one bozo to another. I admit and you deny...like you deny everything. If I were not a bozo I would never have responded to any of your posts because all your initial posts were nothing but the kneejerk reactions of a psycho who could not bear to hear the truth - truth that hurt his own position, his beliefs, his comforts!

> And, you can't even admit that you made a mistake and posted an
> inappropriate response to a question.

> I know you can read. Your original assertion was that the KKK is
> PRESENTLY in control of areas. You posted links to history of the
> KKK. This in NO Way supports that assertion. That is all that I
> meant. I also stated that the KKK is alive. Barely (thank goodness)!

If you want to lose the woods for the trees that's your problem, not mine. I have raised my voice against the pure evils of racism and passportism. If you can't bear to hear or read about it, and only because you stand to gain from such discrimination, it shows how hollow you are in addition to being the original bozo. KKK being in control of a certain state or territory is not the issue. The issue is a larger one - KKK-like mentality or beliefs controlling the minds of people.

> I have never in my life met even one person that supported the KKK
> (let alone an actual member).

> I already KNOW about the KKK and its history. NOW find something to
> support your view.

KKK is symptomatic of the problem of racism and not the only problem. If you can't see or recognze that, you reveal your ability and not much else!

> Again, you've called me a racist because I've asked you to provide
> more than a chronological history of the Klan.

> You throw around provocative and volatile labels (racist) without any
> good reason and expect everyone to clamber to your cause. This IS the
> very reason few will engage people of color in an argument about
> race. You've always got that damned RACE CARD to play. And, I might
> add, Jack, that you play it without too much provocation.

I called you a racist because you tried to drown out my cry against the evil of racism. If that hurts, please don't condone the wrongs because in condoning you're revealing where your sympathies lie. And, if your sympathies lie with those actively indulging in racism and passportism you, for all intents and purposes, are also a racist though you may not be a 'member' of the KKK. People who are more sensible and sensitive to such things and abhor the very things you support, whether actively or passively, will surely 'clamber to my cause'. And, yes, if I'm posting this on a messageboard, it's because I want people to know about this!

> This presents a lose-lose situation for any white person.

> You are dangerous, Jack. More dangerous than the racists that you so
> fervently decry.

If a 'white' loses because a non-white raises his voice against racism and passportism, that's perfect! Please don't expect any sympathies there, neither from the coloured nor from the 'whites' for there are 'whites' who have a far better appreciation of all things on earth and beyond, than to revel in the 'fruits' of being born white.

And if you think I'm dangerous, thank you! Like I said to another racist who said the same thing - "Perhaps, you are right in saying I am dangerous. But, if that is true, it's not because I will go after anyone with a club or resort to abuse. I will use reason and argument as I have done before and am doing now. I am dangerous because I will state the truth. I am dangerous because I will fight dark, prejudiced, uninformed, lies with reason. I will fight them with my words and with my conviction that injustice will one day lose. I am dangerous because I will fight for the rights of those that people discriminate against on the basis of colour, race and origin...so help me God!"

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