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#1 Parent MasterMason - 2009-12-22
Re: Kindergartens

Were I you, I'd avoid kindergartens entirely. Kindergartens in China are nothing more than loud baby sitting jobs disguised as English teaching. You will have to deal with a lot of spoiled, crying children who in essence know zero about discipline. You will have to sing, dance, and act the fool, for both the children and the parents, who may sit in on classes from time to time.

Maybe you have taught at kindergartens in other countries and feel it is your speciality, however kindergartens in China are not like those in other countries. Trust me, you don't want to teach at a Chinese Kindergarten, unless constant stress and Chaos amuse you.

Yukon - 2009-12-21

I was looking around at Kindergartens in china and was just wondering if they are private or public/government run. Should one be wary of kindergartens as they should training centers or are they different?

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